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DACA « Limits to Growth

DACA Deportations Gear Up with Predictable Media Response

The Los Angeles Times apparently saw the DACA removals on the drawing board and responded with a tear-jerk liberal fable on Monday’s front page.

The Times aimed for a gay alien diversity mash-up with its DACA story — talk about inclusive!

Let’s review the backstory: President Obama admitted at the time that he did […]

DACA Amnesty Legality Is Considered by Supremes

The DACA case has reached the Supreme Court which shows how corrupt our legal system has become because Obama’s unlawful amnesty never should have gotten that far.

The Constitution clearly states, “The Congress shall have Power To…establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization….” (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4), so Obama’s king-like creation of the DACA […]

Dreamer Illegal Aliens Use Handy Obama Loophole to Grab American Citizenship

Some may remember that Obama intoned several times that he as president couldn’t unilaterally amnesty illegal alien kiddies, known as “dreamers” under the DACA program, then he went ahead and did it anyway.

When President Obama announced the program on June 15, 2012, he stated clearly:

Now, let’s be clear — this is not […]

DACA Issue Is Raised by Soccer Sob Story

Sunday’s San Jose Mercury News featured an illegal alien sob story (with soccer subtext) on its front page — as if failing California doesn’t have more important things to deal with.

The story is filled with sleep-inducing legalisms and soccer rules, but the reader should remember that the star character Sergio Rivas is a […]

Judge Finds DACA Programs May (Still) Be Illegal

It’s interesting to learn the legality of Obama’s DACA program is still being batted around in the courts. The whole thing was an unlawful exercise of power by Obama since the Constitution clearly specifies “The Congress shall have Power To…establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization….” (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4).

Obama said numerous times […]

Universal E-Verify Should Be Republicans’ Top Demand, Not a Border Wall

The border wall started out as part of a wholistic immigration enforcement plan, but it has evolved into a larger element than it deserves to be. After all, an estimated half of illegals arrive legally but then overstay their visas. But a wall is a physical thing and therefore easy to mold into a symbol, […]

DACA Sob Stories Are a Flavor Du Jour for Mainstream Propaganda

Illegal immigration sob stories remain a popular genre for the mainstream press — they are easy to write and have built-in pathos. The young DACA illegals bring appealing victim stories, as long as the scribbler chooses carefully and avoids any embarrassing criminals. (CIS reported in January that 500 DACA criminals and gang members were still […]

Older Illegal Aliens Are Resentful of Dreamers

Everyone is a victim these days in America, and even lawbreaking foreigners have sob stories. Sunday’s Los Angeles Times front page played up the feelings of older illegal aliens who resent the attention paid to Dreamer lawbreakers — boo hooey! The non-Dreamers have American jobs and haven’t been deported, but it’s not enough for the […]

President Trump Is the Promise Keeper — Except for One

President Trump gave a speech to his Republican congressional crew on Thursday at their West Virginia planning meeting. GOP members of the House and Senate were strategizing at their three-day conference to map out their legislative agenda to match up with the president’s State of the Union address earlier in the week.

At one point, […]

San Diego DACAs Complain That Trump Offer of Citizenship Isn’t Enough

Why does anyone consider the DACA types to be appealing human beings? They are among the most demanding and self-absorbed people on the planet, plus often being demonstrably vulgar, as shown below:

Democrats use DACA pests as a stalking horse for a mega-amnesty for the 10 or 30 million lawbreaking foreigners now residing in […]

MS-13 Victim Parents Are Guests at Trump’s State of the Union Speech, As Earlier Supporters Reject His Amnesty

President Trump’s earlier supporters among illegal alien crime victims won’t be present for his major address because most if not all are deeply disappointed in his political flipflop in giving unlawful foreigners amnesty and eventual citizenship. As a result, there will be a new cast of characters in the crime victim category, those who lost […]

Kris Kobach Reminds Americans That DACA Aliens Harm Young Citizens

Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime and is theft at best (and murder at worst): illegals come to steal jobs, education and welfare benefits from American citizens and taxpayers. The latest foreign moochers in the public eye are the DACA illegals, nearly a million foreigners (79 percent from Mexico) who are the latest poster […]