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DREAMers « Limits to Growth

Judge Finds DACA Programs May (Still) Be Illegal

It’s interesting to learn the legality of Obama’s DACA program is still being batted around in the courts. The whole thing was an unlawful exercise of power by Obama since the Constitution clearly specifies “The Congress shall have Power To…establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization….” (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4).

Obama said numerous times […]

Universal E-Verify Should Be Republicans’ Top Demand, Not a Border Wall

The border wall started out as part of a wholistic immigration enforcement plan, but it has evolved into a larger element than it deserves to be. After all, an estimated half of illegals arrive legally but then overstay their visas. But a wall is a physical thing and therefore easy to mold into a symbol, […]

DACA Job Thieves Are Still Admired

Well informed citizens know that DACAs are not all angelic valedictorians, but include thousands of criminals and/or gang bangers.

Still, it’s odd how non-criminal DACAs are so largely celebrated in the press, even though the “hard working” illegals have stolen jobs that by law belong to citizens — except for the unlawful “Deferred Action” program […]

Rookie Senator Kamala Harris Plots Presidential Run

How pathetic have Democrat politics become when a freshman senator with no accomplishments thinks she can make a credible run for president? Kamala Harris apparently believes being a California Trump-resister socialist entitles her.

It’s also advantageous that she has multiple diversity going for her: she’s a black-Indian woman with an immigrant mother. In the increasingly […]

Older Illegal Aliens Are Resentful of Dreamers

Everyone is a victim these days in America, and even lawbreaking foreigners have sob stories. Sunday’s Los Angeles Times front page played up the feelings of older illegal aliens who resent the attention paid to Dreamer lawbreakers — boo hooey! The non-Dreamers have American jobs and haven’t been deported, but it’s not enough for the […]

MS-13 Victim Parents Are Guests at Trump’s State of the Union Speech, As Earlier Supporters Reject His Amnesty

President Trump’s earlier supporters among illegal alien crime victims won’t be present for his major address because most if not all are deeply disappointed in his political flipflop in giving unlawful foreigners amnesty and eventual citizenship. As a result, there will be a new cast of characters in the crime victim category, those who lost […]

Sob Story Alert! Job-Thieving Family May Be Deported

The Trump era will certainly be seen in the future as a golden age for the illegal alien sob story. After something of a fall off during the open-borders Obama administration, there has been a resurgence of the genre with increased coverage by the leftstream media, where front page coverage of illegal alien travails is […]

Heartlanders Reject Trump’s Amnesty for Dreamers

In the big capital city, “Let’s make a deal” is the operating principle of the legislative playbook, and with the Democrat party sliding into leftward extremism, the compromises proposed have become progressively uglier. Citizenship for nearly two million Dreamer pests is now on President Trump’s table — to the shock of many who believed his […]

Tucker Carlson Notes the Demanding Mob of Illegal Aliens in Senate Office Building

A gaggle of illegals and their pals swarmed Capitol Hill on Thursday where they insisted on a big amnesty for DACAs and Dreamers and all their cousins ad infinitum.

The scene looked pretty rowdy, verging on unsafe, as a large crowd of angry illegal aliens loudly demanded citizenship privileges to which they have no right.


Los Angeles Times Reports Trump Supporters Love Dreamer Amnesty!

In case citizens have any question about what the proper attitude about a DACA/Dreamer amnesty should be, the liberal press is Johnny-on-the-spot to tell them. Candidate Trump promised to end the program that was begun by President Obama with an unconstitutional decree in 2012, but President Trump has recently backslid to a more Democrat position.


Facts Undermine Media’s DACA Sob Story of Suffering Children

While the worthless liberal press falsely portrays DACA recipients as being innocent children, nearly all of them are young adults. Some DACAs are parents themselves, a situation that the San Francisco Chronicle ran as a front page story on Sunday, though without a tear-jerk photo.

As sob stories go, this one endangers the major premise […]

Tucker Carlson Debates Globalist Libertarian

If there’s a worse advertisement for the libertarian cause than the anti-sovereignty declarations of the unpatriotic editor of Reason magazine, I have never seen it. Katherine Mangu-Ward was recently quizzed by Tucker Carlson about the sketchy “rights” of illegal aliens, like DACA moochers for example. Also joining in the conversation was Mike Donavan, CEO of […]