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border security « Limits to Growth

Coronavirus Makes Borders Popular — Even in Mexico!

The coronavirus event that the media has made its top story certainly has people wound up. Example numero uno from down south: Mexicans are demanding more border controls to keep out possibly infectious Americans — who could have imagined such a thing?

It’s certainly true that the Mexican Presidente Lopez Obrador has maintained a strangely […]

Tucker Carlson: Immigration Is Not Always Beneficial for America

Tucker Carlson’s opening monologue on Wednesday discussed the open borders now creating chaos for law enforcement and future pain for taxpayers. This was the crisis that millions of citizens voted to fix in 2016, but President Trump has not gone after the central problem, just nipped around the edges. Certainly President Hillary would be far […]

Latin America Is Melting Down, yet Democrats Say a Wall Is Unnecessary

Lists can be very revealing, and Tucker Carlson compiled a good one on Thursday’s show, indicating a troubling instability among several of America’s national neighbors to the south, specifically Mexico, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Venezuela.

Unfortunately, the explosive population growth of Latin America and elsewhere in the Third World is rarely mentioned as a […]

Americans Really Want the Wall Built

Some of the citizens of this country are committed enough to achieving genuine border security to pay for it themselves. Two examples follow.

The Daily Caller reported on Wednesday that a GoFundMe website had collected over a million dollars for the cause:

Over 15,000 People Have Raised over a $1 Million on GoFundMe for Trump’s […]

Existing Border Security Is Examined, plus What $5 Billion May Build

There’s a lot of talk about a border wall from the White House these days, so it’s helpful to see what’s there already and the gaps that need to be filled.

It’s crazy that Democrats Chuck and Nancy are complaining about the border security project so much, but Pelosi wants to be the Speaker […]

New York Times Expresses Dismay regarding US Soldiers on the Border

Sunday’s New York Times featured an extra-large photo of US troops preparing for duty on the US border:

As expected, the Times text is dismissive of the effort, but surely many Americans will appreciate our soldiers protecting this nation’s security rather than everywhere else on earth. For example, US troops have remained in South […]

Border Patrol Leader Says America Needs a Wall

President Trump is currently threatening to shut the government over the lack of wall funding. That’s not a radical strategy: a border wall is central to ending immigration anarchy as both a signal of seriousness and a true physical block to slow or stop invaders as other assets are brought to bear. A robust system […]

Mexico Is Rich and Can Pay for the Wall — One Way or Another

President Trump got Mexico’s attention during his Tuesday speech in Nashville when he said our southern neighbor would pay for the border wall.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: In the end, Mexico’s gonna pay for the wall; I’m just telling you. I don’t want to cause any problem, but in the end Mexico’s paying for the wall. They […]

Nearly 400 Sheriffs Demand Congress Enact Immigration Enforcement

Sheriff Thomas Hodgson of Bristol County, Massachusetts, appeared on Fox News Thursday to discuss his letter from 380 of the nation’s sheriffs to Congress insisting on real border security. The level of lawlessness is making it impossible for sheriffs to keep the peace and ensure public safety.

Watch the latest video at foxnews.com

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Six Years On: Information about Agent Brian Terry’s Death Is Still Incomplete

Fans of Barack Obama like to imagine that his administration was “scandal free” though nothing can be further from the truth. There were plenty of audaciously evil scandals, but the adoring liberal media never reported on them so they barely exist. Breitbart has an instructive list: 18 Major Scandals in Obama’s ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency.

Near the […]

Hungarian Border Patrol Graduation Speech: Viktor Orban Warns Migration Is the Trojan Horse of Terrorism

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been one of the more stalwart defenders of the nation state, particularly his own during these invasive times. Muslims are not viewed positively in Eastern Europe, where Ottoman tyranny extended into the region. Part of Hungary was ruled for centuries by the Ottomans following the 1526 Battle of Mohacs.


Busy First Day Is Forecast for Next President

President Trump is going to have a huge mess to clean up after Obama’s final weeks of nation-wrecking sabotage, particularly in the immigration arena. As has been reported, Obama promoted open borders by reclassifying “asylum” so Central Americans escaping poverty can say the magic words about credible fear at home and thereby get welcomed as […]