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soccer « Limits to Growth

DACA Issue Is Raised by Soccer Sob Story

Sunday’s San Jose Mercury News featured an illegal alien sob story (with soccer subtext) on its front page — as if failing California doesn’t have more important things to deal with.

The story is filled with sleep-inducing legalisms and soccer rules, but the reader should remember that the star character Sergio Rivas is a […]

Mexicans Think Beating US at Soccer Would Be a Win against President Trump

South of the Rio Grande, the Mexicans have their sombreros in a twist about a soccer game on Sunday which they imagine as a battle against the hated President Trump. They believe winning the World Cup qualifying match will show how superior they are to mean gringos who won’t let them steal American jobs any […]

Brazilian Soccer Fans Behead and Quarter Referee

In the diverse non-American world, soccer sometimes becomes surprisingly violent among its devotees, and can also express nationalism in negative ways. (In 1969, Honduras and El Salvador fought a war over soccer, although the root cause had more to do with illegal immigration.)

In Brazil last month, rabid soccer fans went positively medieval. Two men […]