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DREAMer « Limits to Growth

DACA Issue Is Raised by Soccer Sob Story

Sunday’s San Jose Mercury News featured an illegal alien sob story (with soccer subtext) on its front page — as if failing California doesn’t have more important things to deal with.

The story is filled with sleep-inducing legalisms and soccer rules, but the reader should remember that the star character Sergio Rivas is a […]

President Trump Is the Promise Keeper — Except for One

President Trump gave a speech to his Republican congressional crew on Thursday at their West Virginia planning meeting. GOP members of the House and Senate were strategizing at their three-day conference to map out their legislative agenda to match up with the president’s State of the Union address earlier in the week.

At one point, […]

San Diego DACAs Complain That Trump Offer of Citizenship Isn’t Enough

Why does anyone consider the DACA types to be appealing human beings? They are among the most demanding and self-absorbed people on the planet, plus often being demonstrably vulgar, as shown below:

Democrats use DACA pests as a stalking horse for a mega-amnesty for the 10 or 30 million lawbreaking foreigners now residing in […]

You Say Dreamers, I Say DACA — Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off!

It was good to see Mark Krikorian note the difference between DACA recipients and Dreamers when he appeared Sunday on Fox News. Importantly, he reminded the audience that the Dreamers are a much larger group, perhaps three or four times that of DACA illegals, depending on how they are being counted — opening “a whole […]

Parents Miss Daughter Killed by Illegal Alien, Especially at Christmas

The holidays are tough for families when there is an empty spot at the table, particularly so when that person was killed in a preventable crime by an illegal alien. The Washington Times reminded its readers of the costs of open borders on its Friday front page:

Below, 21-year-old Sarah Root was killed in […]

Democrat Convention Presents La Raza Moments of Illegal Alien Sob Stories

As promised by the fairness-challenged Democrats at the DNC, Monday’s convention proceedings included unlawful foreigners portrayed as wonderful not-quite Americans, whose striving for full membership has been long thwarted by mean-spirited Republicans.

One special person so honored by the Democrats was Astrid Silva, a 28-year-old Mexican who was brought here as a child, making her […]

Remittances Fuel Illegal Immigration

Never forget that illegal immigration is all about the money — not freedom or opportunity — just money. When illegals whine that they want a “better life” what they really mean is “more money” which can also take the form of “vanloads” of food stamps, free-to-them deluxe healthcare and subsidized college tuition for the young […]