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illegal alien DREAMer « Limits to Growth

Dreamer Illegal Aliens Use Handy Obama Loophole to Grab American Citizenship

Some may remember that Obama intoned several times that he as president couldn’t unilaterally amnesty illegal alien kiddies, known as “dreamers” under the DACA program, then he went ahead and did it anyway.

When President Obama announced the program on June 15, 2012, he stated clearly:

Now, let’s be clear — this is not […]

Parents Miss Daughter Killed by Illegal Alien, Especially at Christmas

The holidays are tough for families when there is an empty spot at the table, particularly so when that person was killed in a preventable crime by an illegal alien. The Washington Times reminded its readers of the costs of open borders on its Friday front page:

Below, 21-year-old Sarah Root was killed in […]