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immigration poll « Limits to Growth

Poll: Large Majority of Europeans See Muslim Population Growth as a Threat

After Germany’s Angela Merkel foolishly welcomed Syrians (and effectively the rest of the Muslim world) to Europe in 2015, some Europeans actually cheered the entrance of the West’s historic enemy.

But a major uptick in rapes and other violence has shined a light on the brutal Islamic culture. A society can have women rights and […]

Ipsos Poll Reveals Global Unpopularity of Immigration

This just in: people around the world don’t think immigration is a good thing for their country, particularly when there’s too much of it — which is the case now in many places.

We shouldn’t be surprised. Human nature is deeply tribal, and that is why we prefer to be around others who share our […]

Rasmussen Poll: Voters See Illegal Immigration in Terms of More Crime and Taxpayer Ripoff

A recent survey highlighted the differing views of members of the two parties regarding unlawful immigration. Unsurprisingly, the Democrats are rather unconcerned, while Republicans believe the systemic invasion of foreign job thieves and criminals is causing serious harm to the nation.

Voters Measure Illegal Immigration in Major Crime, More Tax Dollars, Rasmussen Reports, March […]

Rasmussen Poll: Only 35 Percent of Voters Want to Live in a Sanctuary City

Funny how the world looks different from the back of a limo, and powerful liberals have made it clear that they see the safety of illegal aliens as being more important than that of American citizens. For example, even following the recent high school rape committed by illegal aliens, Maryland’s Democrat-run House of Delegates nevertheless […]

Rasmussen Poll: Majority Support President Trump’s Temporary Ban on Foreigners from Some Jihadist Nations

If you watched CNN or other liberal media the last few days, you might think there was a major uprising of Americans against President Trump’s decision to pause immigration and visits from certain terror-supporting nations.

But a Rasmussen poll conducted January 25-26 showed the opinion of voters reflected concern for protecting public safety, not a […]

Rasmussen Poll: Support Remains for Trump Muslim Ban

It’s interesting that agreement with Donald Trump’s call for a temporary halt to Muslims entering the country have not been dissuaded by howls of outrage from Islamic pressure groups. Certainly it helped the cause of sanity about security that FBI Director Comey stated clearly that Syrians in particular could not be adequately screened to keep […]

Poll: 61 Percent Say Immigration Threatens America

Does this poll show the Trump effect of freeing citizens from the shackles of political correctness around immigration speech? Elites shout down the little citizens by calling them racist when they complain about open borders and endless immigration, but Donald Trump has changed the narrative absolutely.

Trump may not be the ideal messenger for […]

Rasmussen Poll: 72 Percent of Voters Want Visa Overstayers Deported

Has Donald Trump made it socially acceptable to want illegal aliens sent home? Certainly 72 percent of voters seems a high polling number for a proposal that’s common sense in these politically correct times. For example, a 2014 Rasmussen poll found just 52 percent of respondents thought the government wasn’t aggressive enough in deportations, a […]

AP Poll Shows Voter Concern about Middle East Immigration

Many Americans must think that admitting the enemy inside the gates is unwise. What’s interesting is how partisan the divide is regarding national security: nearly twice as many Republicans as Democrats believe that the US is admitting too many Middle Easterners as immigrants (76% vs. 39%). As the recent Pearl Harbor anniversary reminded us, a […]

Rasmussen Poll: Voters Say Deport the Criminals and Build the Wall

It looks like Americans have noticed the shocking and preventable crimes committed by undeported illegal alien offenders over the last little while, like the murders of Kate Steinle and Marilyn Pharis, both residents of enforcement-phobic California.

Kate Steinle was shot dead as she walked with her father on a San Francisco pier by a five-times-deported […]

Rasmussen Poll: Majority of Democrats Support Illegal Alien Voting

The pollsters at Rasmussen have quizzed American voters and found that 53 percent of the Obama’s Democrat party think illegal aliens are good to go in the voting booth, equal to us citizens. Only 21 percent of Republicans agree with that idea. The idea is another slice in the death by a thousand cuts to […]

Rasmussen Poll: More Voters Want Border Controlled

Many elected officials want the immigration issue to go away so they can continue servicing the businesses that demand slave-cheap workers. But the little citizens notice the worsening state of the nation due to open borders and permissive immigration — there is less respect for law, more danger from jihadist enemies, schools overwhelmed with illegal […]