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birth citizenship « Limits to Growth

This Just In: Illegal Aliens Are Very Expensive for US Taxpayers

On Monday, Fox News reporter William La Jeunesse detailed the freebies that illegal aliens get, stolen from the US taxpayer. Several are particularly infuriating, one being the “$1.24 billion in infant delivery expenses” — that’s anchor babies in plain English. Birth auto-citizenship resulted from the misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment which was passed after the […]

DACA Citizenship Is on the Table, according to Rep. Mark Meadows

It’s disappointing to hear Mark Meadows, the Chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, speak so nonchalantly about an amnesty for DACA pests, which is what he did on Sunday’s Face the Nation show on CBS.

First of all facts to be remembered is that Obama’s DACA decree was unlawful, a usurpation of Congressional power, […]

America to Third World: Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Zika Anchor Babies

Tuesday was a historic occasion: a Zika-infected microcephaly baby was born to a foreign mother who apparently flew to the United States to take advantage of anchor-baby-citizenship (a mis-interpretation of the 14th Amendment in the opinion of many) and an array of free stuff.

The following Fox video report gave some important details. Reporter Reporter […]

Rasmussen Poll: Voters Say Deport the Criminals and Build the Wall

It looks like Americans have noticed the shocking and preventable crimes committed by undeported illegal alien offenders over the last little while, like the murders of Kate Steinle and Marilyn Pharis, both residents of enforcement-phobic California.

Kate Steinle was shot dead as she walked with her father on a San Francisco pier by a five-times-deported […]

Feds Bust Chinese Birth Tourism in Southern California

Birth tourism to America to acquire US citizenship for junior remains popular among the denizens of Red China for some odd reason. Don’t they know they can just jet in with tourist visas or cross the open border Mexican style? Obama will let them stay. Everybody gets to stay.

Maybe it’s the savings account aspect. […]

Mexico: Cartel Boy Assassin Is Repatriated to Birth-Nation America

A big story in San Antonio is that a US-born Mexican cartel hit-kid has been deported from a Mexico prison to live in that city. Arrested when he was 14, little Edgar Jimenez Lugo is now 17 and has served his paltry three-year sentence in permissive Mexico for murdering at least four.

What could possibly […]

Birth Tourism Is a Growing Business in Southern California

Traveling to the United States to plop out a US-citizen baby is not illegal. It is perfectly lawful to engage in birth tourism, which is promoted by the fundamental misunderstanding of the intent of the 14th Amendment, that any baby plunking on US soil results in an American, which is not what was legislated at […]

BirthScam Citizenship Challenged by State Legislators

On Wednesday the National Press Club was the site of a meeting aimed at dislodging the mistaken interpretation of the 14th Amendment that the children of illegal aliens born in the United States are US citizens. Members and supporters of State Legislators for Legal Immigration appeared to raise the issue, which is a major magnet […]