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anchor baby « Limits to Growth

This Just In: Illegal Aliens Are Very Expensive for US Taxpayers

On Monday, Fox News reporter William La Jeunesse detailed the freebies that illegal aliens get, stolen from the US taxpayer. Several are particularly infuriating, one being the “$1.24 billion in infant delivery expenses” — that’s anchor babies in plain English. Birth auto-citizenship resulted from the misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment which was passed after the […]

Zika Anchor Baby Update: Lifetime Healthcare Cost Will Be $1-10 Million

A few days ago I noted the unwelcome arrival of America’s first Zika Anchor Baby. As a birthright citizen, the deeply damaged Honduran-American will be a drain on US taxpayers for its entire life, and now we have a dollar amount of that cost.

Donald Trump has promised to rid America of the birthright citizenship […]

America to Third World: Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Zika Anchor Babies

Tuesday was a historic occasion: a Zika-infected microcephaly baby was born to a foreign mother who apparently flew to the United States to take advantage of anchor-baby-citizenship (a mis-interpretation of the 14th Amendment in the opinion of many) and an array of free stuff.

The following Fox video report gave some important details. Reporter Reporter […]

Raza Family Values Are on Display in Hate-Trump Video

Fox News and others have been showing a version of a hate video made by a group called Deport Racism that has all the nasty bits bleeped or smudged out. Naturally the internet has the original obscene rant, for the time being at least.

The acceptable media explanation seems to be how terrible it is […]

Trump Condemns Anchor-Citizenship; Vitter Legislates

It’s depressing that America is so crippled by liberalism and political correctness that the anchor baby scam of invasion-by-birth continues and is getting worse. Trump’s declaration that as President he would end it has made a number of heads explode because the idea of America as world welfare provider accords with globalist redistribution ideology.


Rasmussen Poll: Nearly Two-Thirds of Voters Object to Anchor Baby Citizenship

The pollsters report that this is the highest percentage ever of opposition to jackpot babies getting citizenship, a practice stemming from a misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment.

In June of 2010, Rasmussen found that 58 percent rejected anchor baby citizenship, and the recent survey revealed 65 percent against the policy, so the voters have not […]

Rasmussen Poll: 61% of Voters Oppose Anchor Baby Citizenship

A recent Rasmussen survey indicates that more Americans than ever believe birthright citizenship is a bad policy and should be changed.

As a 2008 CBS report (Illegal Immigrant Births – At Your Expense, see video below) revealed, pregnant illegal aliens deliberately come to give birth in this country so their kid can get all the […]

Poll: Obama Immigration Policy Meets Disapproval

Obama’s leadership strategy: discern the opinion of the majority of citizens; do the opposite.

Or maybe it just seems that way.

At any rate, his anti-borders globalist agenda is available for all to see, and the voters don’t like it.

Immigration issues hurting Obama, poll finds, Los Angeles Times, September 13, 2010

Immigration issues, including […]

Los Angeles Update: Taxpayers Pay More in Welfare for Aliens’ Kids

“They only come to work”… oh wait, maybe not so much. Illegal aliens routinely use their US-born anchor babies as meal tickets to provide access to a trough of welfare benefits. No wonder that hispanic aliens have such strong family values: they benefit directly from having the highest fertility rate of any group.

Los Angeles […]

Rasmussen Poll: 58% Reject Anchor Baby Citizenship

Do you get the feeling that Americans are sick and tired of being gamed by parasitic illegal aliens? The jackpot baby scam, where a pregnant illegal alien crosses the border to pop out a citizen meal ticket, is rejected by a substantial majority of voters.

A recent poll shows that aliens using even cutesy babies […]