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Merkel « Limits to Growth

Poll: Large Majority of Europeans See Muslim Population Growth as a Threat

After Germany’s Angela Merkel foolishly welcomed Syrians (and effectively the rest of the Muslim world) to Europe in 2015, some Europeans actually cheered the entrance of the West’s historic enemy.

But a major uptick in rapes and other violence has shined a light on the brutal Islamic culture. A society can have women rights and […]

Spain: Severe Unemployment May Create a Lost Generation

One reason cited for Germany’s excessive welcome of sketchy, potentially dangerous Syrians is the need for new workers to keep the factories humming. Der Spiegel reported, Rx for Prosperity: German Companies See Refugees as Opportunity, noting that the German population is “shrinking” and the nation faces a labor shortage.

Is it not odd that Germany […]

Germans March in Berlin against Immigration Chaos

On Saturday, 5,000 concerned German citizens marched in Berlin to protest their government’s open-borders refugee policy.

What did Chancellor Angela Merkel think would happen when she invited all Syrians to come? Hundreds of thousands have responded already to the offer of a comfy first-world lifestyle, and millions more are expected.

Admitting hordes of a historic […]