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voting « Limits to Growth

Mexican Consulates In US Hold Citizenship Clinics so Immigrants Can Vote against Trump

South of the border, there are big Mexican plans for defeating Donald Trump in his campaign to become President of the United States. In an “unprecedented effort” by Mexico, that government is meddling in our internal affairs by helping legal (!) resident Mexicans get US citizenship to vote against the Republican front-runner.

Our unfriendly neighbor […]

Kansas Voter ID Sets Off Lawsuit from Anti-Sovereignty Democrats

Friday’s New York Times front page included a whiner about a college student who claimed she was too busy to obtain proof of citizenship required to vote in Kansas (where sovereignty warrior Kris Kobach [pictured] is Secretary of State).

A distracted student is news?

This is pretty weak gruel, even for Carlos Slim’s Amnesty Gazette.


Rasmussen Poll: Majority of Democrats Support Illegal Alien Voting

The pollsters at Rasmussen have quizzed American voters and found that 53 percent of the Obama’s Democrat party think illegal aliens are good to go in the voting booth, equal to us citizens. Only 21 percent of Republicans agree with that idea. The idea is another slice in the death by a thousand cuts to […]

San Francisco Loony Leaders Push Local Voting for 16-Year-Olds

San Francisco is famous for its crazy left politics (like sanctuary and coddling diverse criminals), and the latest is a doozy. The lefty lights of the city have decided that lowering the voting age to 16 for local elections will help engage the kiddies in political struggle.

Apparently the schools are not creating sufficient cadres […]

More States Require Voter ID

For the elections-have-consequences file: since January, six states have enacted laws requiring photo ID to vote, largely because of Republican legislatures. That’s a blow for honesty in elections, as far as I’m concerned, and will hopefully help keep illegal aliens out of the voting booths.

The liberal argument that minorities and poor people don’t have […]

Local Initiatives Push Non-Citizen Voting

Add non-citizen voting to the endless Gimme list of immigrants and illegal aliens. Some extra-welcoming cities are putting that idea on the Nov 2 ballot to accommodate foreigners who are still not happy with residing in America.

Gimme demanders could get naturalized if eligible. Oh wait, that costs money and requires effort.

In addition, non-citizen […]

Pew Study: Hispanic Democrats Less Motivated to Vote

The good news for Democrat honchos is that many Hispanics like the D-brand. The bad news for Obama boosters is Latinos are not highly motivated to actually get out and vote, despite decades of effort from liberal legislators to make voting as easy as possible (like multilingual ballots).

That’s too bad for BHO because Hispanics […]