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voter ID « Limits to Growth

Study Shows Requiring Voter ID Does Not Suppress Election Turnout

It’s good that people are paying attention to voter ID, since it’s likely that fake voters will be out in force for the 2020 election to defeat President Trump.

In fact, the complete wipe-out of Republican Congressional members in Orange County 2018 apparently resulted from a sketchy practice called “ballot harvesting” which is only legal […]

Tucker Carlson Reminds Viewers of the Voter Fraud Threat

One short-lived Trump project was the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity that was supposed to investigate and root out voter fraud.

As vice-chair of the commission Kris Kobach observed, “I’ve often thought that at the very foundation of our republic are really two bedrock things — the American Constitution and the faith and reality […]

Kris Kobach Campaigns to Become Kansas Governor at Trump Rally

Donald Trump’s Topeka rally on Saturday contained a lot of celebration of Brett Kavanaugh being confirmed as a justice to the Supreme Court after weeks of Democrat accusations, but the President was actually there to promote Kansas candidates in the upcoming election, particularly Kris Kobach.

Below, Kris Kobach campaigned with the president at the Topeka […]

Kris Kobach and Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity Move Forward

Preventing voter fraud by dead people and illegal aliens in 2018 and beyond is an important project to fight against anti-sovereignty interests. We can be sure that Democrats will turn out every voter they can recruit from cemeteries and foreigner hiring halls to defeat efforts to enforce immigration law.

In charge of fixing the voter […]

Virginia: Thousands of Illegal Alien Voters Are Detected

We hear from liberals that unlawful voting doesn’t happen, and particularly that illegal aliens don’t cast ballots. But the Public Interest Legal Foundation has investigated voting behavior in Virginia and found a different story, that in fact thousands of illegals voted there unlawfully.

Fox News reported the story on Tuesday:

This case will […]

President Trump Creates Voter Integrity Commission

It’s not too early for the president to shore up the nation’s protections against voter fraud which are rather slim these days. The Democrats will be loaded for bear in 2018 with expanded Get Out the Vote efforts, and that will include recruiting dead people and illegal aliens to mark the D-candidates.

According to voting […]

Texas Voter ID Gets the Democrat News Treatment

CBS served up a tear jerker story about an 86-year-old black veteran, Floyd Carrier, who could no longer vote because his military ID does not include a photo. The immediate reason is the Texas voter ID law of 2011 that requires a photo identification card to vote. The larger problem is that times have changed […]

Trump Is Right to Say Illegal Aliens Are Voting

It’s obvious Green Party candidate Jill Stein is running a scam when she complains about voter machine hacking by the Russians, which is impossible on a widespread basis, while she doesn’t care about illegal alien voting, which could in fact be quite numerous.

Hans van Spakovsky co-wrote a book about vote fraud, ”Who’s counting? How […]

Tom Tancredo Notes Existence of Voter Fraud

There is general alarm today from the mainstream press about the topic of voter fraud. The left media (which is to say most of it) doesn’t want voters to think the system is “rigged” as Donald Trump has charged, nor does the press want to be recognized for its supporting role of perpetrating fraud and […]

Kansas Voter ID Sets Off Lawsuit from Anti-Sovereignty Democrats

Friday’s New York Times front page included a whiner about a college student who claimed she was too busy to obtain proof of citizenship required to vote in Kansas (where sovereignty warrior Kris Kobach [pictured] is Secretary of State).

A distracted student is news?

This is pretty weak gruel, even for Carlos Slim’s Amnesty Gazette.


Obama Plans Fast Track Voting for Illegal Aliens in 2016

It’s not news that the Democrat party, led by Barack Obama, hopes to encourage many grateful illegal aliens to vote in support of big liberal government in the next Presidential election and beyond.

Former Justice Department lawyer J. Christian Adams explained it particularly well on Judge Jeannine’s show on Saturday.


Obama Slams Voter ID in Selma Speech

The President engaged in partisan politics Saturday when he participated in the 50-year anniversary of the Selma civil rights march. At one point in his speech, Obama remarked, “Right now, in 2015, 50 years after Selma, there are laws across this country designed to make it harder for people to vote.”

Yes, that’s correct. Our […]