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terrorists « Limits to Growth

The New York Times and Washington Post Present Similar Articles Bashing Trump Advisor Stephen Miller

Speaking of leftist media strategies to sink President Trump in 2020, both the New York Times and Washington Post had front-page Sunday stories about presidential advisor Stephen Miller. Both had similar small headshot photos of Miller.

What are the odds of such a “coincidence”?? It’s amazing!

As mentioned earlier here, the Times held a big […]

Kris Kobach Campaigns to Become Kansas Governor at Trump Rally

Donald Trump’s Topeka rally on Saturday contained a lot of celebration of Brett Kavanaugh being confirmed as a justice to the Supreme Court after weeks of Democrat accusations, but the President was actually there to promote Kansas candidates in the upcoming election, particularly Kris Kobach.

Below, Kris Kobach campaigned with the president at the Topeka […]

Terrorist Refugees Prompt Rescreening

This ABC story is an interesting follow-up to an old story, that of refugees brought from Iraq and Afghanistan turning out to be serious bad guys. The new information seems to be details about how jihadist soldiers were discovered. I’ve been writing for a couple years about the now-imprisoned Iraqi refugees, Waad Ramadan Alwan and […]