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Syrians « Limits to Growth

Lebanon Has Had Its Fill of Syrian Refugees

It’s interesting to see the New York Times sympathetic approach to Lebanese citizens who feel overwhelmed by the million-plus horde of Syrian refugees who have flooded their nation. The Lebanese are angry about downward pressure on wages, worsened crime, stressed infrastructure, and other problems caused by the foreigner invasion.

In comparison, the Times’ attitude toward […]

PBS Reports Germans’ Growing Rejection of Open Borders

PBS did a rare realistic piece on the violence of muslims on its NewsHour program this week that portrayed the anger of Germans for what Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open borders policy has done to their country. By way of contrast, the network recently replayed Frontline’s Exodus documentary about the travails of Syrian refugees, and it […]

Ann Corcoran Presents a Call to Action against Democrats’ Radical Refugee Program

The editor of the excellent RefugeeResettlementWatch blog sees a dangerous uptick in the administration’s refugee program, as shown by its welcome of 10,000 unscreenable Syrians to American communities in recent months. As the administration has emphasized, the first group of 10,000 Syrians is “a floor, not a ceiling,” meaning that more — lots more — […]

FBI Screening for Syrian Refugees Is Proposed

The SAFE Act will be voted in the Senate this week (if it survives a Harry Reid blocking cloture) and the bill would require the FBI to screen refugees from Syria and approve them as being non-jihad. Members of Congress who have noticed the mess in Europe caused by barbarian Islamic refugees want to prevent […]