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Muslim refugees « Limits to Growth

Rasmussen Poll: Voters Don’t Want Syrians Relocated to America

A Rasmussen survey published on Tuesday illustrated how the citizens remain concerned about national security: despite the squawks from the liberal media about Donald Trump’s call to pause Muslim immigration temporarily, 59 percent of likely voters think that Obama’s plan to speed the import of sketchy Syrians is unwise.

One of the poll’s questions focused […]

Obama Plans Massive Increase of Unscreenable Syrian Refugees

There’s no better way to “fundamentally change” America, as Obama promised, than to open wide the gates to historic enemies, in particular to Muslims who have been at war with Western civilization for a millennium. Why else would he welcome hundreds of thousands of foreigners whom FBI Director Comey says cannot be screened?

The proposed […]

FBI Screening for Syrian Refugees Is Proposed

The SAFE Act will be voted in the Senate this week (if it survives a Harry Reid blocking cloture) and the bill would require the FBI to screen refugees from Syria and approve them as being non-jihad. Members of Congress who have noticed the mess in Europe caused by barbarian Islamic refugees want to prevent […]

Two America-residing Iraqi Refugees Are Busted for Jihad

Two Iraqi refugees were arrested on Thursday for terror-related charges, one in Sacramento and one in Houston. Keep in mind that the US presence in Iraq over years has given our government plenty of access to information about Iraqis entering this country. Even so, these jihadists were able to slip through any alleged screening — […]