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Syrian « Limits to Growth

Illegal Alien Kiddie Surge Continues across Border in 2016

It’s too bad the media is mostly incapable of multi-tasking when it comes to reporting the news; otherwise the talking heads might mention the worsening border anarchy. The presidential campaign is just too easy to report, so full of personal conflict and colorful quotes — they can fill hours and hours 24/7 of cookie-cutter programming […]

Two America-residing Iraqi Refugees Are Busted for Jihad

Two Iraqi refugees were arrested on Thursday for terror-related charges, one in Sacramento and one in Houston. Keep in mind that the US presence in Iraq over years has given our government plenty of access to information about Iraqis entering this country. Even so, these jihadists were able to slip through any alleged screening — […]

FBI: Agency Is Investigating 900 in America for ISIS Jihad Connections

Here’s a bit of news the press under-reported during the week of the highly anticipated Hillary hearing. FBI Director James Comey put a specific number on how many possible jihadists in America his agency is scrutinizing, and it’s shockingly high at 900.

The next number citizens need to know is how many ISIS supporters are […]

Uruguay: Syrian Refugees Complain the Hospitality Is Not Adequate

How many Syrian refugees are too many? For tiny Uruguay (population 3.3 million), that number would be 42.

The five Syrian families welcomed into the Uruguay community last year have managed to turn off the entire country with their rude, demanding behavior. (Syrians have similarly made the impression in Europe that they are hard-to-satisfy grifters […]

Germany Looks to Refugees for Labor, Even as It Transforms the Workplace with Automation

One of the reasons given for German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s excessive welcome to Syrian refugees was to add humans to the nation’s workforce.

Tapping refugees to combat Germany’s labor shortage, Deutsche Welle, September 2, 2015

The thousands of refugees pouring into Germany every day could offer Europe’s largest economy an opportune solution to plug the […]