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Middle East « Limits to Growth

Lebanon Has Had Its Fill of Syrian Refugees

It’s interesting to see the New York Times sympathetic approach to Lebanese citizens who feel overwhelmed by the million-plus horde of Syrian refugees who have flooded their nation. The Lebanese are angry about downward pressure on wages, worsened crime, stressed infrastructure, and other problems caused by the foreigner invasion.

In comparison, the Times’ attitude toward […]

Robert Spencer Explains Why the Crusades Were Not an Evil Attack on Poor Innocent Muslims

Kudos to Robert Spencer for supplying a briefo history of the Crusades that obliterates the whole idiot idea that Islamophobia springs somehow from meanie Christians invading the Middle East in the Middle Ages. Jihadists would have us believe that the Crusades were an unwarranted attack upon peaceful muslims when that is not an accurate history […]

CIA Director Describes ISIS Threat to America

Sunday’s Sixty Minutes program presented an interview with CIA Director John Brennan, commenting on the national security threat that ISIS presents. He answered questions carefully about potential attacks, allowing that “I believe that their attempts are inevitable.” [Watch.]

Brennan noted, “Paris was a failure of intelligence.” The November 13 attacks killed 130 people in several […]

Obama’s Government Ignores Suffering Christians in the Middle East

The Islamophile in the White House seems determined to jam as many Muslims as possible into the United States during his remaining term in office, and the refugee route is a handy import method. As it happens, the system is stacked against Christian refugees from the Middle East, who really do need help. The UN’s […]

Despite Elite Declarations of Extreme Multiculturalism, Islam Continues War on Christians (and Everyone Else)

In Paris last week a dozen persons were massacred for publishing a magazine insulting Mohammed by men shouting Allah Ackbar. One of the shooters told a French TV station that they had been sent by al Qaeda.

Nevertheless, liberal elites like UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon and French President Hollande declared by barbaric attacks had […]

The Week in Jihad: Slaughter, Lies and Polygamy

The recent interview of JihadWatch’s Robert Spencer by Michael Coren on SunTV was jam packed with topics, listed by video site AlohaSnackbar (links added by me):

1) ISIS beheaded 4 Christian children in Iraq who refused to convert to Islam.

2) ISIS using churches as prisons.

3) School textbooks in Pakistan promote violent jihad.

4) […]

On Easter, Remember Christians Suffering under Islam

It is depressing to see Christians being killed and driven out of historic lands by jihadist murderers. The church has had a long history in the Middle East, including places like Turkey and Syria where the apostles traveled and spread the gospel.

In a 2009 Sixty Minutes interview, the Patriarch of Orthodox Christians said he […]

Muslim Bethlehem Hopes Some Christians Will Remain (for the Tourists)

Every Christmas season, the world glances toward Bethlehem and sometimes notices the disappearing Christians in the town of Jesus’ birth as hostile Muslims make life untenable there and beyond.

A century ago, Bethlehem was 90 percent Christian. Today the population has dwindled to around 15 percent. So now the place is a Muslim town with […]

Responsible Legislators Disagree with Obama that Terror Threat Is Diminished

One of the ways that the Obama Administration misleads about the jihadists threat is by its use of the term “al-Qaeda.” While that was the group that attacked us on 9/11, it is only one of dozens of similar jihad gangs around the world working for a global caliphate of universal Islamic rule. Several are […]

Bethlehem Christians Face Their Own Eradication

One of the more depressing aspects of the Christmas season is the attention paid to the worsening situation of Christians who live in the Holy Land. The few remaining hope to leave, as their position becomes more tenuous with the increasing dominance of hostile Muslims.

Fifty years ago, Bethlehem’s population was 70 percent Christian; now […]