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Christians « Limits to Growth

Obama’s Government Ignores Suffering Christians in the Middle East

The Islamophile in the White House seems determined to jam as many Muslims as possible into the United States during his remaining term in office, and the refugee route is a handy import method. As it happens, the system is stacked against Christian refugees from the Middle East, who really do need help. The UN’s […]

The Week in Jihad: Slaughter, Lies and Polygamy

The recent interview of JihadWatch’s Robert Spencer by Michael Coren on SunTV was jam packed with topics, listed by video site AlohaSnackbar (links added by me):

1) ISIS beheaded 4 Christian children in Iraq who refused to convert to Islam.

2) ISIS using churches as prisons.

3) School textbooks in Pakistan promote violent jihad.

4) […]

RefugeeResettlementWatch’s Ann Corcoran Is Interviewed by the Daily Caller

What a nice surprise to see Ann Corcoran of RefugeeResettlementWatch being interviewed by the ever-curious Ginni Thomas at the DailyCaller.com. The title of the piece is tied to Labor Day, but the discussion is really about the refugee system as a whole and how shielded it is from any oversight from the American people.

Watch […]

Egyptian Christians Live in Fear of Murder by Their Muslim Neighbors

When President Obama visited Southeast Asia a few days ago, he remarked, “Myanmar won’t succeed if the Muslim population is oppressed.”

If he has ever made a similar statement in support of Christians persecuted and murdered in dar al-Islam, it was made in secret. In fact, the President has been criticized roundly for his failure […]

On Easter, Remember Christians Suffering under Islam

It is depressing to see Christians being killed and driven out of historic lands by jihadist murderers. The church has had a long history in the Middle East, including places like Turkey and Syria where the apostles traveled and spread the gospel.

In a 2009 Sixty Minutes interview, the Patriarch of Orthodox Christians said he […]

On Christmas, Remember Christians Suffering under Islam

On this religious holiday for many Americans, we shouldn’t forget the Christians around the world who are persecuted under the Islamic jackboot. Muslims sometimes use Christian holidays as an occasion to attack followers of Jesus, and this Christmas has been no exception:

In Baghdad, “Christmas Day bombings in Iraq’s capital kill 37” (AP), in three […]

Nigeria: Muslim Diversity Includes Destruction of Beer

One of the major points of conflict in areas where Muslims and Christians share nations is the attempt of Allah’s willing slaves to institute sharia law for everyone. That means a mostly low-intensity warfare against the rights of any and all non-Muslims. Sometimes things get violent, as in 2000 when nine people died over home-made […]

Bethlehem Christians Face Their Own Eradication

One of the more depressing aspects of the Christmas season is the attention paid to the worsening situation of Christians who live in the Holy Land. The few remaining hope to leave, as their position becomes more tenuous with the increasing dominance of hostile Muslims.

Fifty years ago, Bethlehem’s population was 70 percent Christian; now […]

Christians in Egypt Face Persecution from Muslims

The BBC has a reputation as being a fawning panderer to Muslims, with good reason. However the video report below is quite decent with its explanation of the brutality Christians face in Egypt, where 90 percent of the population is Muslim.

It is disturbing to hear the Coptic Christian shopkeeper describe his teenaged daughter’s kidnapping. […]