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Mark Steyn « Limits to Growth

Mark Steyn: the Democrats Promised Impeachment, but Where Is Act II?

Speaker Pelosi can’t be happy about how 2019 has turned out for the Democrats. She was hoping for a boffo impeachment spectacle, but it was dull as cardboard and the hearings included nothing even vaguely improper about President Trump’s behavior.

As a result, Americans didn’t flock to the cause of removing the president after […]

“Mexico First” Pundit Claims Caravansters Deserve Their “Dream” of America

Talk about a blast from the past — seeing Mark Steyn discuss border enforcement with Juan Hernandez, the one-time advisor of Mexico Presidente Vicente Fox, brought back memories of someone best forgotten. A dual citizen of Mexico and the US, Hernandez also advised John McCain during his failed presidential campaign — perhaps not the senator’s […]

Mark Steyn Observes Future Obsolescence of Immigration

On Thursday, Steyn hosted discussions on a varied selection of immigration topics as he sat in on the Fox News show Tucker Carlson Tonight, even demonstrating an understanding of the implications of the technological future.

He began by denouncing Vox.com for supporting the ultra-violent MS-13 gang by “portraying the gang as a bunch […]

London’s Knife Crime Violence Sparks Crackdown — on Cutlery

It’s curious how as society becomes more dangerous because of open borders and permissive laws regarding dangerous criminals (e.g. California’s jailbreaking Prop 47), the citizens’ means of defending ourselves is being reduced by attacks on the Second Amendment.

Over in police state Britain, the government is cracking down on knives in a vain attempt to […]

Mark Steyn: the Left Is Attempting to Equate Republicans with Nazis

A segment of Fox’s morning show on Sunday began with a picture of the recent Boston demonstrations. On the left side were a handful of people standing in favor of free speech; on the right in the photo was a mob of thousands of antifa thugs, probably rentals as was likely the case in Charlottesville.
