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Speaker Pelosi « Limits to Growth

Mark Steyn: the Democrats Promised Impeachment, but Where Is Act II?

Speaker Pelosi can’t be happy about how 2019 has turned out for the Democrats. She was hoping for a boffo impeachment spectacle, but it was dull as cardboard and the hearings included nothing even vaguely improper about President Trump’s behavior.

As a result, Americans didn’t flock to the cause of removing the president after […]

Jeff Sessions Observes There Is “Zero Chance” of Trump Being Removed

It’s pretty crazy that the Democrats were so hot to impeach President Trump — because he was an immediate threat to the security of the Republic or something — but now Speaker Pelosi doesn’t want to send her victory to the Senate.

It’s not exactly news that the Republican-run Senate will not be friendly to […]

Media Try to Drum Up Support for Impeachment

The leftist press is clearly thrilled to have the proposed removal of a president to report, even though it’s not a real impeachment since the House has not voted on it. As attorney Andrew McCarthy recently wrote, If the House Won’t Vote, Impeachment Inquiry Is Just a Democratic Stunt.

Speaker Pelosi is acting alone as […]

Impeachment — What Are Democrats Up To?

President Trump’s speech last Tuesday at the United Nations was notable for strong statements on several subjects, particular its support for national sovereignty against globalism. He stood up for America while still being respectful of other countries and their rights. He discussed immigration at length, and that it’s not beneficial for either the sending or […]

Democrat Candidates Hope Impeachment Won’t Interfere with Their 2020 Campaigns

A headline on Sunday’s New York Times declares “Democrats Say 2020 Message Isn’t ‘Impeach!’” and the story then discusses how that legal struggle may complicate the Dem messaging. The candidates may hope that the impeachment process won’t overshadow all their swell ideas for the country (like free healthcare for all illegal aliens) but we know […]

Impeachment Brings Opportunity to Remember Democrat Duplicity

Politicians often act as if film and videotape of past events did not exist, so they routinely make statements that are polar opposites of what they have said previously. They rely on friendly news outlets not to embarrass them by broadcasting examples of their hypocrisy.

It’s unlikely, for example, that CNN and MSNBC are showing […]