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2020 election « Limits to Growth

Many American Elites Now Look to China for Leadership

Earlier this month, Tablet Magazine published an article by Lee Smith titled The 30 Tyrants which compared the triumph of militaristic Sparta over more democratic Athens in ancient Greece to the current efforts of Red China to destroy the culture, economy and world pre-eminence of the United States.

A particularly disturbing point is how […]

Tucker Carlson Asks Victor Davis Hanson Whether Democrats Are Too Woke for Their Own Good

On Monday, Tucker Carlson reviewed the state of the Democrat party in light of the several 2020 candidates who recently quit the race. He judged Tom Steyer as a poor dancer, Mayor Pete to be rather robotic and identity politics ending up as a big loser for the party as a whole.

After a few […]

Tucker Carlson Examines Bernie’s Support for Extreme Open Borders Ideology

A lot of political pundits remark about candidate Bernie Sanders that at least he’s the same Vermont socialist he has been for the last 30 years.

But that assessment is not true. Bernie has flipped over to the side of the deep-state globalists who think borders and national sovereignty are obsolete and need to go. […]

Elizabeth Warren Imagines a “Ministry of Truth” to Stamp Out Badthink

Attentive citizens probably have noticed that Elizabeth Warren has long had a tenuous relationship with the truth. Most famously, she posed as a Cherokee Indian in order to get a slot as a diverse professor at Harvard, a lie for which she later apologized during her presidential campaign.

She has a lot of crazy left […]

New Book Examines Biden Family Values of Corruption

Author Peter Schweizer has been making the media rounds doing interviews on his new book Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite, and his attention focused on the crooked Biden family is beginning to have an effect.

Friday’s New York Times front page included an article with the newsprint title Facing Queries […]

2020 Democrats Push Open Borders despite Environmental Damage They Claim from Climate Change

Democrats are so desperate to import future liberal voters from abroad that the D-candidates will violate any alleged principles to import as many newbies as possible. The 2020 Democrats have gone off a cliff to be “pro-immigration” by extending the idea of immigrant to include anyone of the world’s nearly 8 billion inhabitants who might […]

Democrats’ Impeachment Strategy Reflects Their Weak Candidates for 2020

It makes sense that the Democrats want to impeach President Trump just a year before the 2020 election when you take a good look at the selection of candidates the party has to offer. None of them is even close to having the right stuff to win directly, so impeaching a sitting president who has […]

Math of Free Healthcare for All Illegal Aliens Doesn’t Work

On his Tuesday show, Tucker Carlson examined candidate Elizabeth Warren’s extreme positions on illegal aliens and all the free stuff they should get from the unwilling American taxpayer. Her latest goodie is recommending the instant admittance of transgender aliens, which would create a cheap and simple scam opportunity — buying a dress is certainly easier […]

CBS Sunday Morning Visits Andrew Yang

It’s encouraging to see a smart young candidate for president talking about automation as a threat to the US economy and American jobs. The 2016 election was lacking any such discussion: the tech community was aware, but Washington lagged behind, as usual.

The formula is simple: when a machine become less expensive than a worker, […]

Democrat Candidates Hope Impeachment Won’t Interfere with Their 2020 Campaigns

A headline on Sunday’s New York Times declares “Democrats Say 2020 Message Isn’t ‘Impeach!’” and the story then discusses how that legal struggle may complicate the Dem messaging. The candidates may hope that the impeachment process won’t overshadow all their swell ideas for the country (like free healthcare for all illegal aliens) but we know […]

Democrat Van Drew Discusses His Opposition to Impeachment with Tucker Carlson

Not every Democrat supports Speaker Pelosi’s call for impeaching the president. Congressman Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey would rather work on policies that benefit the American people, like lowering prescription drug prices and rebuilding aging infrastructure. He is also a member of the Problem-Solvers Caucus which has 48 members divided equally between Democrats and […]

Democrats Manipulate Children and Climate Reality to Grab Power

We certainly live in an age of politics bereft of facts, where whole political movements can be created by the collusion of the liberal press and special interest groups on the left. The biggest of those is of course the Climate Change fraud — and naturally, such an enormous worldwide threat means government must have […]