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knife crime « Limits to Growth

London’s Knife Crime Violence Sparks Crackdown — on Cutlery

It’s curious how as society becomes more dangerous because of open borders and permissive laws regarding dangerous criminals (e.g. California’s jailbreaking Prop 47), the citizens’ means of defending ourselves is being reduced by attacks on the Second Amendment.

Over in police state Britain, the government is cracking down on knives in a vain attempt to […]

Knife Crime Continues to Afflict London

It is big news that London recently surpassed New York City in a top crime category, noted by the BBC: London murder rate overtakes New York’s.

But the main weapon in London isn’t guns — it’s knives. That fact alone should show that violent people will commit their savagery even if no firearms are available. […]

London Criminal Gangs Manage to Wreak Havoc with Knives

According to the anti-gun left, abolishing the Second Amendment and removing firearms from their law-abiding owners in the United States would end violence and universal peace would prevail.

Meanwhile in the UK, there is no right for a citizen to own a firearm. But that doesn’t stop the bad guys from committing murder and mayhem.
