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nation-state « Limits to Growth

Nigel Farage Reflects upon Brexit Success

Supporters of the nation-state form of government in Britain are happy citizens today, now that the Brexit divorce from the European Union has been made official. It’s been a long time coming since 2016 when the referendum passed, because globalist elites resisted stubbornly. The rich and powerful prefer the distance from troublesome voters that an […]

Tucker Carlson Examines the Controversy about Nationalism

When President Trump visited France for the 100th anniversary of the WWI Armistice, French leader Macron went out of his way to insult him and all the efforts made by Americans to help and protect France.

One point of contention was Macron’s strange argument that nationalism was the opposite of patriotism. Not in my dictionary, […]

Dalai Lama Says Refugees Should Go Home and Rebuild Their Own Countries

Interestingly, one of the world’s most respected spiritual leaders recently remarked that “Europe belongs to the Europeans” and should not become the permanent residence of various refugees looking for a home. He does believe that more fortunate nations should help people suffering from turmoil in their home countries and provide refuge, but only temporarily.

The […]

Farage Warns Soros Is the West’s Biggest Danger

Nigel Farage recently pointed out the threat posed by leftist billionaire George Soros’ nation-killing project of sowing anarchy throughout the US and Europe. Brexit leader Farage has been visiting New York City and appeared on the Fox News @ Night show with Shannon Bream.

There’s no doubt that Soros is a great evil: he […]

Knife Crime Continues to Afflict London

It is big news that London recently surpassed New York City in a top crime category, noted by the BBC: London murder rate overtakes New York’s.

But the main weapon in London isn’t guns — it’s knives. That fact alone should show that violent people will commit their savagery even if no firearms are available. […]

Vaclav Klaus Critiques Modern Migration in Europe

Vaclav Klaus is the former leader of the Czech Republic, and he remains an opinionated fellow about political matters. In particular, he appreciates the nation state as the right size of government to have.

He recently discussed the topic of migration with his typical skepticism.

Václav Klaus discusses mass migration, Catallaxy Files, March 28, […]

Nigel Farage Cheers Rebirth of Nation State

It’s refreshing to hear a clearly cultural defense of the newly revived nation state from Nigel Farage. It is widely recognized that a smaller, local government tends to be more responsive to citizen needs, and the US system of federalism balancing national and state government power reflects that philosophy. As former Czech President Vaclav Klaus […]

Media Melts Down over Brexit Outcome

The Brexit media aftermath continues to roil, in part because the press was caught flatfooted regarding the results. In addition, Britain’s choice to return to nation statehood upsets the globalist values of the liberal stenographers of elite views.

Below, Nigel Farage was condemned for UKIP’s poster illustrating the mobs of mostly Muslim foreigners allowed to […]

Geert Wilders Praises Patriotism and the Nation State

The European Union superstate has illustrated the failure of government that is too big and too distant from the people it is supposed to represent. Problems began to be seen when referendums to approve the EU constitution went down to defeat in the Netherlands and France in 2005 — although the bureaucrats in Brussels have […]