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farm robot « Limits to Growth

Democrat House Threatens New Mass Amnesty

The servants of the open-borders elite never sleep, as we see from the most recent attempt at illegal alien amnesty from the Congress, the so-called Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2019, aka HR5038.

The idea that more foreign workers would be “modernization” on the farm is particularly ironic, since agricultural automation technology has been advancing […]

Farm Robots Advance in Technology with Increased Autonomy

Bloomberg reports that farm robots are coming on strong, and that assessment makes perfect sense. The tasks of smart agricultural machines are generally simple and distinct, like weeding, plowing, spraying and picking: unlike self-driving cars, safety issues are minimal because human workers have disappeared from automated fields.

In addition, recent robots have become increasingly autonomous, […]

The Automated Farm Is Getting Closer

The recent New Yorker Magazine has a thorough story about automated agriculture, with strawberry picking getting particular attention. The magazine does like its articles long and rambling, so the reader learns about assorted agro-facts like grower complaints about the H-2A visa, the manual skills required to pick delicate strawberries (“a wristy twist that prevents bruising […]

California Robotic Farm Shows Tech Is Changing Agriculture

It’s pretty big news when a totally robotic farm opens up, and that’s what happened recently in the San Francisco Bay Area — San Carlos to be precise, just a few miles north of San Jose.

The story got front-page notice on the San Francisco Chronicle last week:

In the video below, company co-founder […]

Left Media Admits Automation May Affect Need for Immigrant Farm Workers

It’s nearly summer and that means the time has come for media boilerplate articles about a shortage of immigrant workers down on the farm — so couldn’t Washington kindly arrange for a few hundred thousand to be sent to California?? Right on schedule, a Google News search (which covers the last 30 days of listings) […]

Robot Apple Picker Will Displace Illegal Alien Workers

Automation’s threat to jobs is not entirely negative, considering that robot pickers can replace an agricultural workforce that is generally estimated to be half illegal alien. The Associated Press article below notes that in Washington state, “several counties near the Canadian border are now majority-Hispanic.”

Abundant Robotics has developed a vacuum-based system that doesn’t bruise […]

The Future of Farming Is Automated

Is it too early to suggest ending the H-2a agricultural visa? The increasingly affordable cost of agricultural robots is making them an attractive choice for farmers rather than hiring foreign workers who are now often more expensive than the machines. Some of the new farmbots are compact, rentable and therefore suitable for small-scale farmers.

Earlier […]

Advances in Agricultural Robots Make Immigrant Farm Labor Obsolete

Robot technology is getting smarter, smaller and cheaper. While this evolution is a growing threat to American jobs in general, the applications for agriculture make immigration truly outdated in that employment category, which is a good thing for this nation.

We know the argument: without largely illegal immigrant workers to pick the crops, food would […]