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legalization « Limits to Growth

Democrat House Threatens New Mass Amnesty

The servants of the open-borders elite never sleep, as we see from the most recent attempt at illegal alien amnesty from the Congress, the so-called Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2019, aka HR5038.

The idea that more foreign workers would be “modernization” on the farm is particularly ironic, since agricultural automation technology has been advancing […]

Fox Chatterbox Eric Bolling Reveals His Amnesty Plan

Since Donald Trump was elected president, does immigration enforcement now seem too mean-spirited when cute anchor kids might be separated from deportable parents? (Funny how Mexican family values don’t include keeping parents and kids together when there is free stuff to be gleaned from generous-stupid America.)

A February Rasmussen poll headline read, Support for Deportations […]

Smart Machines, Excess Immigration and Outsourcing Threaten the American Dream

As a careful writer, I normally spend a lot of time researching topics that are often controversial, like how illegal immigration is illegal and such. But I’ve never been so surprised as when investigating how far robotics have advanced in their capability to replace humans in complex tasks, from manufacturing to ordering in restaurants and […]

Ted Cruz Warns Amnesty Will Scuttle Republican Senate Hopes

The Texas Senator spoke up on Thursday to urge establishment Republicans to back off their stubborn push for amnesty (legalization with “probationary” work permits), the “success” of which would crush GOP prospects for taking over the Senate from the Democrats.

Below, House Republican leaders are shoving evil amnesty down our throats as much as Senate […]

Ex-Mayor Bloomberg Joins Billionaire Battalion for Legalization (Amnesty)

What do billionaire politicians do to keep busy when their terms in elected office end? One recently retired person, former Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City, is the newest active lobbyist for amnesty-legalization with work permits and doubling legal immigration.

It must be the cool billionaire thing to do, since Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg […]

Obama Trusts Boehner to Be His Amnesty Poodle

Leave it to Speaker Boehner to rescue the President from the worst political fiasco in a century (Obamacare) by working to hand him the biggest win for the Democrats since the 1986 amnesty that flooded America with millions of Third Worlders who prefer big government.

Signs from the GOP House leadership are bad. After […]

Senator Rand Paul Promotes Legalization for Illegal Aliens

Why can’t anyone wearing a suit not understand the connection between permissive immigration (legal and illegal) and American unemployment? Do universities no longer teach supply and demand in Econ 101?

To liberals and their media poodles, there is no contradiction between a segment on a suffering long-unemployed American worker followed by an item about mass […]

Crowds of Illegal Aliens Jam Nevada DMVs to Procure Driver Cards

The joint has been jumping at the Nevada DMV, as thousands of unlawful foreigners have sought possession of driving authorization cards. The new year allows illegal aliens to register to receive a document that permits legal driving within the state.

As usual, greasy politicians in support claimed that the policy would increase highway safety and […]

Speaker John Boehner Hires Amnesty Advocate for Staff

For those who think they can turn over and go back to sleep about amnesty, there’s this: the Speaker of the House just engaged an amnesty proponent experienced in crafting legislation. Rebecca Tallent earlier was employed in top positions for Senator John McCain and before that, Congressman Jim Kolbe who have been enthusiastic exponents of […]

Ann Coulter Explains Immigration Enforcement to Sean Hannity

It’s somewhat worrying when smart conservatives like Ann Coulter use the word “first” when talking about immigration enforcement, implying the nation should have border security “first” before awarding amnesty to millions of foreign lawbreakers.

That usage is confusing. In a January column titled Rubio’s Amnesty: A Path to Oblivion for the GOP, Coulter cleverly called […]