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replacing American workers with cheap foreign labor « Limits to Growth

Tucker Carlson: H-1b Visa Program Continues to Displace American Workers

Is President Trump depending on the general lameness of the 2020 Democrats — the Cuba-loving commie and the senile gasbag — to assure his re-election?

Unfortunately for the American people, the president cannot honestly campaign on his record of immigration enforcement to attract voters, though he promised a lot of policing in the beginning of […]

Leftist Chattering Class Says Walls Are Racist, but Peter Kirsanow Shows Otherwise

The anti-Trump gaggle remains stuck on their “racism” accusation against the president — as if that is the only reason to enforce immigration law and borders. The basic law of supply and demand says that an excess of something (like products or labor) reduces its value, while a shortage increases its worth. Which is why […]

Tucker Carlson Debates Globalist Libertarian

If there’s a worse advertisement for the libertarian cause than the anti-sovereignty declarations of the unpatriotic editor of Reason magazine, I have never seen it. Katherine Mangu-Ward was recently quizzed by Tucker Carlson about the sketchy “rights” of illegal aliens, like DACA moochers for example. Also joining in the conversation was Mike Donavan, CEO of […]

California: Refugees Supply Cheap Labor for Meatpacking Industry

Monday’s front-pager for the Los Angeles Times is a reminder that refugees are just another variety of cheap-labor immigrants.

Meatpacking plants used to be a big magnet for illegal alien labor which was convenient for the industry, and the business recruited openly in Mexico. But in 2006, the government raided six Swift plants and […]

May Day: Democrat Hypocrisy Hits Zenith

The Big Lie of the Democrat Party is that it stands for the working American while also supporting open borders and unlimited immigration: both cannot be true because a surplus of labor always results in lowered wages. May Day is supposed to underline solidarity with worker rights and wages, but lately not so much.

It […]

Surplus Workers (Fueled by Immigration) Decrease Wages, L.A. Times Admits

It’s hard to imagine the Los Angeles Times expressing any negativity about illegal immigration ever, but Friday’s front page illustrated in plain dollars how supply and demand function in the workplace. Since the principle is little mentioned in today’s digital economy, here’s a briefo explanation regarding wages: a surplus of workers drives the payscale down […]

Irrational Behavior Served Up for Pi Day

Leave it to immigrants and their groupies to ruin a perfectly fun little holiday, namely Pi Day which occurs on March 14 (3.14). Silicon Valley anti-borders diversity fanatics are using the occasion to protest President Trump’s efforts to keep America safe by enforcing its circumference. Not only are the border grinches sullying Pi Day, they […]

“Day without Immigrants” Showcases America’s Arrogant Lawbreakers

I wasn’t going to write about Thursday’s “Day without Immigrants,” the illegal alien goof-off day, but the Mexican flag splashed across Friday’s San Jose Mercury was irresistible.

Apparently “Day without a Mexican” (film 2004, event 2006) was not inclusive enough for the expanded diversity of the 21st century. But at least “Mexican” (a foreigner) […]

Senators Submit Legislation to Decrease Total Immigration

On Tuesday, Senators Tom Cotton and David Purdue introduced their bill that would end chain migration and the diversity lottery in order to make immigration less harmful to American citizens. As America’s Senator Jeff Sessions has declared, “Immigration should serve the national interest.”

The two senators held a press conference to discuss the legislation. The […]

Ecuadoran Park Worker Falls to Her Death in Yellowstone

Is working in this country’s spectacular national parks a job that Americans just don’t want to do? Apparently the government thinks so, judging from the foreigners it promotes to the head of the line.

The recent death of 21-year-old Ecuadoran Estefania Liset Mosquera Alcivar is regrettable, but it does remind us of how Americans are […]

America’s Senator Jeff Sessions Slams Hillary Clinton’s Plan to Sabotage US Citizen Graduates

Candidate Clinton thinks every foreign STEM graduate with an advanced degree should get a green card stapled to their diploma, immediately placing them in the front of the line for US jobs. How does that help American students who already struggle against cheapie foreigners flooding the STEM workers pool in this country?

It doesn’t. Hillary […]

Industry Still Imports Cheap Foreign Labor in Violation of US Law

Sunday’s front page of the San Jose Mercury News headlined with an investigative piece about how businesses obtain cheap foreign labor. The piece details how companies use the various visa-laundering companies that admit sketchy workers and allow business to evade US laws regarding immigration, wages and work conditions. The local company Tesla was the case […]