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Search Results Lampedusa « Limits to Growth

Pope Celebrates Easter Week by Washing Migrant Feet

There’s been a lot of talk about bad “optics” the past couple days about Obama’s tango twirls while Europe had suffered a murderous jihad attack in Brussels and perps are still at large.

But to my eye, the pope performing an Easter footwashing ritual meant to show humility in the Catholic style must look more like surrender to the headchopper thugs of ISIS. This being the migrant-loving Pope Francis, he made a show of embracing foreigner diversity by including Muslim, Christian and Hindu asylum-seekers, instead of ministering to 12 Catholic men as previous popes have done.


Humbling himself to Muslim invaders can easily be seen by jihadists as a big step forward in their plan to defeat the Christians in the Catholics’ capital city. (See my blog from last fall: A Goal of ISIS Is to Conquer Rome in Five Years). Showing weakness to the bloodthirsty enemies of civilization and freedom is unwise to say the least.

Pope Francis Washes, Kisses Feet of Migrants on Holy Thursday, Breitbart.com March 25, 2016

In a special rite commemorating the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, Pope Francis washed and kissed the feet of 11 Muslim, Christian and Hindu asylum-seekers Thursday and declared them all children of the same Father.

The Holy Thursday ritual re-enacts Jesus washing his apostles’ feet before being crucified, and is meant as a gesture of service. Francis contrasted that gesture with the “gesture of war” carried out by the Brussels attackers on Monday.

Instead of celebrating Mass in the Vatican as usual, the Pope traveled to the welcome center in the town of Castelnuovo di Porto, where he greeted the asylum-seekers, many of whom are not Christians. Continue reading this article

Pope’s Travels Include Appearance on US-Mexico Border

Pope Francis is visiting Mexico this week to check in on some of his Latin American flock, in particular to draw attention to the plight of (illegal) immigrants by holding a well publicized mass on the US border. The purpose? To guilt trip Americans, probably, for being so mean by having borders, sort of.

In 2013, Pope Francis welcomed illegal alien Africans on the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa as they made their way to Europe.

The elites of the catholic church think the poor have an intrinsic right to cross borders illegally to take other people’s jobs. “Any family in economic need has a right to immigrate, that’s our posture,” according to a Texas spokespriest.

That’s a funny sort of morality. Robbing Peter to pay Paul was not considered an ethical plus in the Presbyterian church where I grew up. More than 94 million Americans were out of the workforce as of January, the sixth month in a row for that high of a number according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But the pope thinks America needs more Mexican aliens.

Wait, wasn’t the pope poking into American domestic affairs just a few months ago? In fact, it was only last September when he got a red carpet welcome in Washington including a speaking gig before a joint session of Congress, thanks to then-Speaker John Boehner.

Now the pope is coming back, at least to the US border from the Mexican side, to push his Marxist open-borders agenda. He can’t stay away.

(Here’s a little Dan Hicks tribute with a blog-appropriate song. He died on Saturday.)

Even the pro-foreigner LA Times notices the pope visit is fraught with politics.

Pope Francis plans a symbolically freighted trip to Mexico, Los Angeles Times, February 7, 2016

Pope Francis travels to Mexico this week, saying he wants to “live the faith” of the overwhelmingly Catholic country but will not shy away from confronting issues of violence and corruption that could make his governmental hosts quite uncomfortable.

History’s first pontiff from the Americas will also stand on Mexico’s border with the United States and make an impassioned plea for the plight of immigrants. His entire pilgrimage from southern to northern Mexico is meant to represent the perilous route that migrants take to reach the U.S.

This is the Argentine pope’s fourth trip to Latin America, home to Roman Catholic communities that are the largest in the world but have faced challenges from the spread of Protestantism, loss of faith and slowed population growth because of migration, homicide and lower birth rates.

The Mexico that Francis visits, following the well-worn path of his two predecessors, is enduring a decade-old wave of brutal criminal and “narco” warfare, a spate of egregious human rights abuses, an economic slump and official corruption that has helped take President Enrique Peña Nieto’s approval rating to historic lows.

“You are living your little piece of war,” Francis said last week in a video message to Mexicans via the semiofficial Notimex news agency.

“The Mexico of violence, the Mexico of corruption, the Mexico of drug trafficking, the Mexico of cartels, is not the Mexico that our mother [the Virgin Mary] wants,” he added. “I, of course, will not cover any of that up. Continue reading this article

Al Qaeda Jihadist Posed as a Refugee to Enter Europe

MehdiBenNasrQaedaGovernments in Europe have deluded themselves with the idea that the aliens flooding in from the Middle East and beyond are war refugees or economic migrants because jihadists wouldn’t bother with the messy trek overland or across the Mediterranean. Or something like that.

But one has turned up. Mehdi Ben Nasr (pictured) was caught only because officers became suspicious of him after he had arrived on Lampedusa and he could be identified because Italy had his fingerprints from when he served time for terrorist activity in Italy several years ago.

How many more aren’t noticed when thousands are flooding through every day?

And in this country, the administration is determined to import a hundred thousand Syrian Muslims over the next year, and many more to follow.

Chairman Mike McCaul of the House Homeland Security Committee has expressed doubts that Syrians can safely be brought into the US. During a hearing examining the subject, he remarked, “I think this would be a huge mistake if we bring in these refugees into the United States that could potentially be radicalized.”

Senator Jeff Sessions chaired a hearing in October where it was made clear that Syrians could not be adequately screened because the government does not have a database of information about Syrians.

The refugee scheme is a clear danger to America’s national security, but Obama and company are determined to import as many Muslims as possible in his final year.

Al Qaeda boss who served seven years for terror offences ‘smuggled himself into Europe by posing as a refugee’, Daily Mail, November 7, 2015

The leader of an al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group was smuggled into Europe posing as a refugee trying to cross the Mediterranean, it has been claimed.

Mehdi Ben Nasr, 38, served seven years in jail for being the leader of a jihadi cell which recruited would-be suicide bombers in Europe and directed them to Iraq and Afghanistan.

European leaders have denied that there is evidence of jihadis exploiting the refugee crisis by disguising themselves as migrants and joining them on crossings.

But intelligence analysts have warned that would-be militants could be using the migrant routes to reach Europe undetected.

Once ashore in countries such as Italy and Greece, it is feared that militants could side-step identification by the authorities – and plot violent attacks on European cities. Continue reading this article

Open-Borders Pope Welcomes One Syrian Christian Family to Vatican City

On Saturday, Pope Francis left the Vatican for a trip visiting Cuba and three cities in the United States. All signs indicate that the pope plans to lecture rich capitalist America to open the borders wide, as he has done before everywhere.

It’s a favorite theme for him. He recently called upon European Catholics to shelter refugees, as thousands of illegal aliens swarm into the continent. He said each church should provide a place to stay for a family, which would spread out the foreigners into every catholic parish. It wouldn’t solve the problem when hundreds of thousands are crowding in: churches providing shelter for a relative few is just empty symbolism that the press will love.

Perhaps the pope thought he should act as a good example, and accordingly he announced that a Syrian family would be welcomed into housing in the Vatican mini-country. Conveniently, the family is Christian, while the great majority of the hordes breaching Europe are young Muslim men who are very demanding about how they should be treated.

Below, during a papal visit to Istanbul last fall, the Grand Mufti displayed a koran to the pope. Francis has said that true Islam is not violent and the koran and the bible are the same.


The latest figures from Eurostat reveal that only 20 percent of recent illegal entrants are Syrian, with the rest being economic opportunists from Bangladesh to South Sudan. So the great majority flooding to Europe now are not war refugees at all. Nevertheless, the lefty pope believes that law and sovereignty should be thrown out and replaced with utopian do-gooder fantasies.

Pope Francis puts up Syrian refugee family, The Local (Italy), September 18, 2015

Pope Francis is putting up a Syrian refugee family from Damascus in a Vatican apartment, aides revealed on Friday.

The Christian family is the first of two that the Catholic leader has promised to find space for as part of a broader Church effort to help shape Europe’s response to the ongoing migration crisis, partly caused by the conflict in Syria.

The family arrived in Italy on September 6th, the day the pope called on every Catholic parish across Europe to find space for at least one family of refugees.

The family arrived in Italy on September 6, the day the pope called on every Catholic parish across Europe to find space for at least one family of refugees. Continue reading this article

Vatican Catholics Tell Italians to Pipe Down about Illegal Alien Invasion

The current pope is a serious anti-borders type and recently called the rejection of migrants fleeing violence “an act of war” — which is an upside-down characterization when Europe is being invaded by many thousands who just want free stuff. Many of the illegal aliens flooding through Europe’s open borders pretend to be refugees, but are actually economic opportunists, encouraged by the fecklessness of the Eurocrats who refuse to defend their homeland.

Below, the pope visited the Italian island of Lampedusa in 2013 to “highlight the suffering of migrants.” The island has been overrun with African illegal aliens because of its proximity to Tunisia and Libya.

Other important cassocks chimed in behind the pope’s anti-nation-state theme, with Angelo Bagnasco, the head of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, denouncing “the indifference shown to the exodus of desperate people forced by poverty, war and persecution to take their chances elsewhere.”

It’s too bad Cardinal Giacomo Biffi is no longer around to speak sanity to power. He died on July 11 but is remembered as warning in a 2000 pastoral letter that the influx of Muslims was a danger to Italy’s Catholic identity and that Christian immigrants should be given preference. He also stated that Islamic notions of family and the status of women were incompatible with Italian culture and that Islamic fundamentalists posed a threat to Christian Europe.

The pope and his cronies are generous with the safety of Europe even though the invasion of historic Muslim enemies presents an existential threat to the continent, now and going forward. Today’s liberal generosity to thousands of moocher migrants will turn out badly as jobs disappear with increasing automation and the young Muslim men become disappointed and angry.

Below, African migrant men disembark from an Italian Navy rescue boat onto the island of Lampedusa in May.

At least the concerned citizens have their heads on straight and are standing up against the destructive catholic elites.

Church clashes with Italy’s right over migrants, The Local, August 11, 2015

High-ranking members of the Italian Church on Monday slammed politicians who peddle anti-immigrant ideas to win votes – sparking a heated row with Italy’s right wing.

“We here hear talk of the ‘unbearable’ number of asylum seekers, an attitude that is unfortunately fed by these salesmen” who are merely pandering to voters, Nunzio Galantino, secretary general of the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI), said in an interview on Vatican Radio.

The head of the anti-immigration Northern League party, Matteo Salvini, was quick to lash out at the Roman Catholic Church, saying “those who defend this illegal invasion, which is ruining Italy, either don’t understand or are making money” from the migrant arrivals.

Tempers have been fraying in recent weeks over the reception of migrants and would-be refugees in Italy, with Pope Francis intensifying his pleas for those fleeing war or persecution to be taken in – despite increasing anger over the numbers being rescued. Continue reading this article

Rome’s Mayor: The City Is Swamped with Unwanted Illegal Aliens

Over in the European spots popular with illegal aliens, the newbie squatters are cluttering up the place. Where to put them so the locals won’t trip over the diverse invaders?

Below, foreign scroungers lounge about near Rome’s Tiburtina train station earlier this summer.


Italy is unlucky in geography, with its southerly island of Lampedusa located just 70 miles from Africa, making it an easy destination for moocher fleebags. Modern communications have shown third-worlders that a more luxurious life is available if they can reach Europe and claim victimhood.

Europeans better wake up to the unforgiving demographics. The UN has a new report out, forecasting more rapid population growth than earlier projections: 11 billion humans on earth by 2100.

The growth leader is Africa, exploding from 1 billion today to well over 4 billion in 85 years:


And every African who is allowed to stay in Europe will be texting the rest of his family to join him in the wealthy first world, where welfare offices hand out free money to anyone with a hard-luck story. There’s no reason for millions not to come when Europe makes itself so attractive.

Rome ‘too crowded’ for more migrants: mayor, The Local, August 4, 2015

Rome receives the second-largest number of refugees among Italian cities, but Mayor Ignazio Marino has warned that the Italian capital is reaching saturation point.

His warning comes less than a month after violent protests broke out over the arrival of 100 refugees in Casale San Nicola, a suburb in the outskirts of the city.

Concerned about how to accommodate more refugees, Marino said the city is “overcrowded”.

“We can’t welcome 18 to 20 percent of people who arrive in our country. We don’t have the resources,” he was cited by Ansa as telling a Lower House commission on immigration on Tuesday. Continue reading this article

Italians Protest Their Government’s Immigrant Dumping

Not that many years ago, when a nation was invaded, its government organized resistance through its military forces. These days, the governments of Europe are facilitating the invasion by rescuing the thousands Africans headed north for plunder and depositing them in the desired end point of their journey.

Europeans located on the edges, like Italians and Greeks, are not happy with being inundated by diverse hordes looking for a handout.

Below, African men disembark on the alien-battered Italian island of Lampedusa in May 2015.

As happens when governments don’t do the job they were hired to do, the DIY urge may occur among the citizens (sometimes called vigilantism). Instances of citizens protecting their country from invasion via illegal immigration will hopefully expand, because that’s the only hope for Europe’s survival.

It’s unfortunate that Italians feel they must defend their homes against opportunists from the third world. There are some genuine refugees taking to boats across the Mediterranean, but most are economic moochers from peaceful African nations who want a first-world lifestyle.

Meanwhile Europe has problems of its own, like stubborn unemployment and doesn’t need thousands of unskilled African men who feel entitled to free stuff. This invasion could end badly when employment shrinks even further because of automation, and legions of jobless foreigners become disappointed and angry. Better to end it now, Europe.

Anti-immigrant protests break out in Rome, Treviso, ANSA, July 17, 2015

(ANSA) – Rome, July 17 – A bus carrying 19 asylum seekers and escorted by police in riot gear pushed past protesting local residents and extremists from the far-right Casapound political group to arrive at the doors of a migrant reception centre in Rome’s Casale San Nicola district Friday. The refugees were spotted inside the bus, curtains drawn as the bus was pelted water bottles and other objects thrown by anti-immigrant protesters, some of them shouting “You have to get out of here”.

Police at one point baton-charged the protesters after coming under a barrage of objects including sun umbrellas and chairs. Protesters also torched rubbish bins and bales of hay, while others tried to block a street.

Rome Prefect Franco Gabrielli was adamant that the protesters would be cleared. “We won’t take any steps back,” he said. Later in the day he said the violent anti-immigrant demonstrations were “indecent and unseemly”. “I hope law enforcement will cite these people so their records will reflect the things they have stained themselves with,” he said.

The prefect added “I sincerely hope the temperature will go down”. Police said later that 14 of their own were injured in the violent clashes and they arrested two protesters, cited one offender, and identified 15 more. Investigators are still going over video material to identify further suspects, police said in a statement. Continue reading this article

Pope Bashes Borders and Berettas

Pope Francis has had quite the liberal week with his outspoken comments against national sovereignty and firearms.

Last Wednesday the catholic monarch complained that Europe was insufficiently welcoming to the people of Africa (population 1 billion) and beyond who are invading by the thousands. (One estimate is over 130,000 illegals have arrived uninvited to Europe so far this year.)

Below, the anti-borders pope visited the Italian island of Lampedusa in 2013 to “highlight the suffering of migrants.” The island has been overrun with African illegal aliens because of its proximity to Tunisia and Libya.

Pope criticizes nations that close doors to migrants, Reuters, June 17, 2015

Pope Francis on Wednesday called for respect for migrants and suggested that “people and institutions” who close doors to them should seek forgiveness from God.

The pope’s appeal, made at the end of his weekly general audience, came amid growing debate in Europe on how to deal with an immigrant crisis that has included clashes at the French-Italian borer between police and migrants.

“I invite you all to ask forgiveness for the persons and the institutions who close the door to these people who are seeking a family, who are seeking to be protected,” he said in unscripted remarks delivered in a somber voice. [. . .]

“Out of curiosity, how many immigrants are there in the Vatican State?” northern Italian broadcaster Radio Padania Libera quoted [Northern League leader Matteo] Salvini as asking.

Then on Sunday, the pope went ballistic against weapons manufacturers, calling them un-Christian.

Whoa. The pope has a substantial Vatican army, the Swiss Guards who, despite their silly medieval outfits, are well armed professional soldiers. Columnist Charles C.K. Cooke noted in a tweet, “His bodyguards use SIG P220 and Glock 19 pistols, Steyr TMPs, and H&K MP5A3 submachine guns. Where do they get them?”

So the pope is adequately guarded, but he objects to the tools by which others protect themselves. His complaints represent typical liberal hypocrisy and the same old claptrap about guns.

If Francis gets his open-borders fantasy and Europe is opened to unrestricted millions of Africans and Middle Easterners, many of whom are unfriendly Muslims, a lot more weapons will be needed.

Pope says weapons manufacturers can’t call themselves Christian, Reuters, June 21, 2015

People who manufacture weapons or invest in weapons industries are hypocrites if they call themselves Christian, Pope Francis said on Sunday.

Francis issued his toughest condemnation to date of the weapons industry at a rally of thousands of young people at the end of the first day of his trip to the Italian city of Turin.

“If you trust only men you have lost,” he told the young people in a long, rambling talk about war, trust and politics after putting aside his prepared address.

“It makes me think of … people, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture weapons. That leads to a bit a distrust, doesn’t it?” he said to applause. Continue reading this article

Europe Faces Summer of Invasion

In the first three months of 2015, Europe saw the arrival of 185,000 illegal aliens, a big uptick from last year’s numbers. The increase is not surprising, because who among the one billion Africans wouldn’t like a better life in first-world Europe with its generous welfare policies? Word has gotten out that if you claim to be a refugee fleeing some war or privation, you may win the asylum sweepstakes. Nobody is punished for engaging in refugee fraud, so they keep coming.

Europe should be defending its people from a true invasion, but is too mentally weakened to understand the national security threat posed by open borders to African and Middle Eastern migrants.

Of course, there are real refugees fleeing brutal wars in Syria and Iraq, but most photos don’t show families but instead reveal boats crowded with young African men. Europe is struggling with unemployment for its own people, so the Africans won’t find the streets paved in the gold they desire: anger and social unrest may well result.

Plus the chaos allows easy entry of jihadist Muslims who want to mass murder European infidels. A report from Le Figaro this week said over 1700 suicide bombers are ready to attack France. So Europe doesn’t need to import any more trouble than it already has.

Below, African men disembark from an Italian Navy rescue boat onto the battered island of Lampedusa in late May.


Unsurprisingly, many people don’t want the invasion. In a recent British poll, only 34 per cent said they would welcome refugees, which fell to 29 per cent when asked about refugees from the Middle East. Many Brits think the Australians have the right policy by turning migrant boats away before reaching land.

But instead of facing the demographic tsunami honestly and taking steps to stop the invasion, European leaders squabble over how many thousand each country should take. They should be planning defensive measures but have been too lulled by decades of easy living and diversity propaganda from the left to understand that war is upon them.

New immigrant crisis on the way: 185,000 migrants flood into Europe in just three months, Express (UK), June 19, 2015

ASYLUM claims from migrants reaching the EU have nearly doubled in a year, figures released yesterday show.

In the first three months of this year alone, 185,000 immigrants have sought refuge in Europe.

The number is 86 per cent up on last year and underlines the migration crisis threatening Britain.

Home Office staff accepted 7,300 applications from asylum seekers at a rate of 81 every day, taking the number housed in this country while their claims are assessed to 30,000.

The statistics come amid growing concern about the tidal wave of migrants heading across the Mediterranean to Italy and Greece.

But despite cries from the two cash-strapped countries that they are being overwhelmed by the influx, they accepted just 18,000 applications between them.

The number underlines fears that Greek and Italian border officials are allowing migrants to pass unhindered so they can move on to the UK and other countries to claim asylum.

Alp Mehmet, of MigrationWatch, said: “This huge number doesn’t surprise me. The official figures are catching up with what we already know – numbers are growing massively.

This is why each country simply taking in a few is not going to work. It is the tip of the iceberg and the more we take in the more the iceberg will grow.

“We have really got to think about how we stem the tide.” Continue reading this article

Germany Expects Up to Half a Million ‘Refugees’ This Year

Chancellor Angela Merkel has heard from local authorities in her country that they need a pile of cash to resettle the huge numbers of diverse foreigners headed north from Africa. Germany is crazy to accept so many — the cost, crime, jihad and social turmoil of so many Muslims will verge on suicidal. But Merkel seems on board.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Obama offers to take a large number of Africans — the more Muslims in America, the better, as far as BHO is concerned. Idaho just learned of the government’s plans to dump up to 2000 Syrians, Congolese and Somalis in Boise and Twin Falls over the next couple years. What’s a few hundred thousand more? More diversity!

Below, Africa is home to over a BILLION people, many of whom are anxious to reach the freebies of the First World by illegally immigrating to Europe.

The news has spread across Africa that the border is open to Europe, so plenty of economic migrants have hit the road. The BBC has a story about a Gambian Muslim from the western edge of the continent who has traveled 4750 miles off and on for over a year because he is desperate for money, period. Africans are willing to journey great distances to reach the easy living of Europe.

The Mediterranean’s migrant survivors, BBC, April 23, 2015

Malick Touray, 30, The Gambia
Malick, a 30-year-old mobile phone technician, describes how he began his journey across Africa to Europe in October 2012 because of his financial situation, struggling to support his extended family.

He had finished school early and started work because his father – who has three wives – could no longer pay school fees for Malick and his 18 other children. [. . .]

The German people don’t want to be flooded with angry demanding foreigners, many of whom are Islamic. A January poll found 57 percent of respondents thought Islam was a threat. A grassroots movement called PEGIDA (Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes — Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West) has sprouted up with well attended marches protesting the mass immigration of Muslims.

Here’s more about stupid Germany screwing its own citizens:

German regions need more funds for refugee surge – state leader, Reuters, May 2, 2015

(Reuters) – The German government needs to double its funding to states to 2 billion euros to help them cope with a surge of refugees, the regional finance minister in Bavaria, Markus Soeder, was quoted as telling Der Spiegel news magazine on Saturday.

Chancellor Angela Merkel and top government leaders are set to hold a crisis meeting with state officials in Berlin on May 8 as estimates show between 300,000-500,000 refugees arriving in Germany this year, double the number in 2014.

“The federal government has agreed to contribute a billion euros – it’s going to need to at least double that amount,” Soeder said, adding the states were struggling to cope with rising numbers. Continue reading this article

Muslims Murder 15 Christians on Boat to Europe

It’s spring on the Mediterranean and that means thousands of Africans and Middle Easterners are boarding rickety boats to reach Europe, where they expect to be welcomed and treated generously. The Associated Press reported on April 14 that “more than 7,000 migrants have been plucked from the Mediterranean in the last four days.” Furthermore:

More than 280,000 people entered the European Union illegally last year. Many came from Syria, Eritrea and Somalia and made the perilous sea journey from conflict-torn Libya.


But even during the attempted escape to a better life, the common Muslim urge to murder infidels couldn’t be suppressed, and allah’s gangsters had to kill 15 non-Muslims because they were Christians.

Didn’t the killers understand that they were headed for a continent of cultures based on Christian principles? How did they expect to get along? The killers are just an extreme example of the diverse barbarians headed north to overwhelm Europe. Africa is home to over a billion people — why wouldn’t a hundred million or more leave for the freebies of Europe’s social welfare societies?

By not blocking the thousands of boaters (as the Australians wisely do), Europe is training Africans to keep coming.

Police: Muslim migrants threw Christians overboard, USA Today, April 16, 2015

Italian police arrested 15 Muslim migrants who survivors said tossed 12 Christians from a boat during a recent Mediterranean crossing attempt. In a separate incident, 41 migrants were feared drowned as the situation in the region intensifies.

The Muslim migrants involved in the clash with Christians were arrested in the Sicilian city of Palmero and charged with “multiple aggravated murder motivated by religious hate,” police said in a statement Thursday, according to the BBC. The victims were from Nigeria and Ghana. The suspects were from Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal.

Police learned of the incident through interviews with survivors, who said they boarded a rubber boat Tuesday off the Libyan coast with 105 passengers aboard, the Associated Press reported. The surviving Christians were able to remain onboard only by forming a “human chain” to resist the assault, police said. Continue reading this article

Italians Rally in Rome against Illegal Alien Dumping

This just in — people still don’t like excessive immigration of hostile foreigners forced upon them. Thousands of pro-sovereignty Italians showed up Saturday to protest Italy’s continued acceptance of economic grifters and potential jihadists from Africa and the Middle East.

Below, Italians protest being inundated with unwanted foreigners. Italy’s unemployment rate is 12.9 percent, but is 42 percent among those aged 15 to 29.

Italy is disproportionately affected because it is geographically the closest to north Africa and the Italian island of Lampedusa is just a 70 miles by boat from Tunisia.

How rough is it getting out on the Mediterranean? One measure reported by The Local: Italian coastguard wants to carry weapons. In a recent incident, traffickers armed with Kalashnikovs threatened coast guard officers during a rescue of thousands of Africans in danger of drowning close to Libya.

Poor Lampedusa (with its tiny population of 4500). The small island continues to be swamped by the tide of African “migrants” in search of European freebies. In mid-February, the BBC reported the island’s reception center held more than 1000 persons, four times its capacity: Lampedusa migrant centre conditions ‘desperate’ after rescues.

Italian citizens deserve to be protected from a Camp of the Saints scenario by their government and they are saying so.

Italy’s Anti-Immigrant Movement Brings Protest Rally to Rome>, Associated Press, Feb 28, 2015

Thousands of Northern League protesters have poured into Rome from their political base in the north to demand the Italian government keep out immigrants.

Matteo Salvini’s regional-based party drew 40,000 people a few months ago in Milan with the same agenda opposing immigration, which they blame for Italy’s economic woes.

The protesters gathered Saturday afternoon in Piazza del Popolo, a vast square in central Rome.

Salvini said Premier Matteo Renzi’s government is “selling out to Europe.” With regional elections this spring, Salvini hopes to capitalize on the growing strength of other right-wing movements in Europe, especially after the recent attacks by Islamist terrorists. Smugglers send waves of migrants and refugees from Libya to Italy.

Police were trying to keep marchers in a counter-demonstration from clashing with Salvini’s supporters.