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racist « Limits to Growth

According to Leftists, America Is Too Racist for Non-White Immigration

To hear professional liberals talk, the United States is a horrible racist place with no redeeming qualities. Seriously, it’s a wonder that anyone would want to relocate here, much less many millions of people around the world.

In fact, a 2018 Gallup poll found that more than 750 million people worldwide want to leave their […]

The New York Times Reveals Its Next Propaganda Strategy against President Trump

It turns out that the whole Russia accusation against Trump was a big scam — no surprise there — so the media now has to cook up a new calumny, since fairly reporting the actual news would be too much like work. Besides, producing leftist propaganda is very rewarding for scribblers since they apparently see […]

Senator Cotton Urges the IRS to Investigate the Southern Poverty Law Center

It’s good news that Senator Tom Cotton is requesting an IRS inquiry into the Southern Poverty Law Center, arguably the most corrupt organization ever to get a non-profit designation from US government. (Read his letter here.) Whether the IRS will respond positively is hard to say, but the SPLC certainly has piles of questionable cash.


Venezuelans Fleeing Socialism Create Chaos

On Friday, the Washington Post front-paged a story about the regional tumult caused by the failure of Venezuela, with the headline “Fleeing Venezuelans Transforming Region” on the paper version.

Here’s the photo included on the front page, with the caption “Venezuelans at the Rondon refugee center in Boa Vista, the capital of Roraima state, Brazil. […]