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taxpayer cost « Limits to Growth

America to Third World: Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Zika Anchor Babies

Tuesday was a historic occasion: a Zika-infected microcephaly baby was born to a foreign mother who apparently flew to the United States to take advantage of anchor-baby-citizenship (a mis-interpretation of the 14th Amendment in the opinion of many) and an array of free stuff.

The following Fox video report gave some important details. Reporter Reporter […]

Freebie America Inadequate for Discriminating Illegal Aliens

Does La Raza run a complainer training program for illegal aliens? Moocher moms from Central America (yes, they’re back) are griping about the service at one of America’s most deluxe detention centers. Apparently the illegal alien kiddies are “depressed” because of the free-to-them school, housing and amenities are not culturally perfect or otherwise deficient.

The […]

California Catastrophe: 1.4 Million (At Least) Illegal Aliens Get Driving Permits

Happy New Year! January 2015 is upon us, and legislators in the Once-Golden State have been busy in the past while, creating a host of bad laws, the worst of which being the issuance of driving permits for illegal aliens.

Naturally, the illegal alien invaders are thrilled to get their licenses starting now, so they […]

Obamacare Harms Citizen Workers by Implementing Financial Advantage to Hire Illegal Aliens under Amnesty

Illegal aliens have a lot for which to be thankful this season, given that Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty will give work permits to at least five million foreign job thieves. Plus, the President’s cornucopian package includes Social Security and Medicare even though the he claimed his amnesty wouldn’t cover benefits that cost taxpayers billions of dollars […]

How Many Trillions of Taxpayer Dollars Will Obama’s Amnesty Cost?

On Friday, Lou Dobbs chatted up the topic of the executive amnesty with former CBO Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who called the action “a tremendous step backward for the nation.”

Dobbs brought up the aspect of taxpayer cost first thing in the segment, quoting the Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector, an expert on welfare and immigration costs.


Illegal Alien Kids Stress New York City Schools

Every city news outlet should replicate the New York Post‘s detailed report on the effects on local schools, including dollar costs, from the flood of illegal alien kiddies from Central America.

Sunday’s Post front page directed readers to the story:

Educating backward children from the Third World is an expensive project. One example is […]

New Orleans Struggles to Pay for Illegal Alien Students

When National Public Radio covers the thousands of illegal alien kids now expensively cluttering up the nation’s classrooms, it likes to emphasize the sob story hook of gang violence in Central America. So when the diverse kiddies end up in New Orleans, there is some irony, since the Crescent City is known for violent crime. […]