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Los Angeles « Limits to Growth

California: Illegal Alien Arrests Are More Complicated in the Sanctuary State

How disturbing and just plain wrong is it that numerous leftist-run cities and states protect illegal alien criminals who endanger American citizens? Isn’t public safety Job #1 for government?

The United States is supposed to be a “nation of laws” but widespread sanctuary jurisdictions show that idea to be a lie.

California is arguably the […]

MS-13 Terrorized Los Angeles Area High School but Authorities Demanded Secrecy

Over the last few days, the Los Angeles Times has run two front-page stories about an MS-13 murder in a San Fernando Valley high school. Media attention is helpful, because officials like to ignore the fact that open borders have been very harmful to young Americans, from dumbing down primary grades to allowing murderous foreign […]

Dr. Drew Warns of Plague Danger in Los Angeles

There have been several news reports in the last couple days about the disease danger caused by Los Angeles’ extreme homelessness. They may have been prompted in part by a truly alarming report from Dr. Drew Pinksky on the Laura Ingraham show last week.

Dr. Drew is very concerned about the dire public health […]

Extent of Los Angeles Homelessness Is Noted by Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson is a California native, so he has a base line on which to judge the state. His recent visit produced a video of homeless tents set up on LA sidewalks that included a sense of alarm.

The pictures are reflected in a report published earlier this month finding that L.A.’s homelessness is […]

Democrat-Run California Has Done Nothing to Store Water for a Future Drought

The front page of Wednesday’s Los Angeles Times had a truly dispiriting message, namely that just a couple years after a record drought, California has done nothing to store water during a rare rainy winter. In fact, much of the precious water is being dumped into the ocean with little attempt to capture it.


Laura Ingraham Examines California Homelessness, including the Effect of Illegal Aliens

Thanks to the Ingraham Angle show for pointing out the often overlooked problem of spreading tent cities of homeless in California. It’s painful to see the increased human suffering in one of the richest areas on earth, and Laura Ingraham nails the governmental failure.

Below, the city of Los Angeles called for a crackdown on […]

Los Angeles: In a Historically Black Area, Hispanic Immigration Expands into the Political Arena

Wednesday’s Los Angeles Times front-page story about the waning of black political power due to hispanic immigration into a historically African-American neighborhood made me think of Terry Anderson, the self-described “Prisoner of South Central.” Twenty or so years ago when Terry was getting attention on the radio and beyond for his outspoken views on immigration, […]

Pew Map of Illegal Aliens: Los Angeles Stars in California!

Pew Research has just published a brief report illustrating the clustering of large numbers of illegal aliens, titled 20 metro areas are home to six-in-ten unauthorized immigrants in U.S.. So it’s simple: there are millions of illegals and they bunch up together in unlucky (or liberal) cities.

The Pew map tells the overall story:


Riot Neighborhood Sensitively Explored

In the Westlake area of Los Angeles, the local hispanics rioted for a couple days recently after an illegal alien was shot and killed by a police officer when the Guatemalan lunged at the cops with a knife. For more background, see my earlier blog: Los Angeles Officials Coddle Rioting Foreigners.

Naturally, a journalistic followup […]

Los Angeles Officials Coddle Rioting Foreigners

In Los Angeles, the shooting of a drunk Guatemalan national with assorted IDs who was threatening people with a knife has resulted in two days of rioting. The drunk was shot dead after he lunged at a cop with the knife.

I’ve been listening to the John and Ken show for updates; one report was […]