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hispanics « Limits to Growth

New York Times: Campaigning in Spanish May Not Help Hispanic Candidates

The Democrat campaign gaggle has been quite the diversity parade, including language. We saw some of that when Beto O’Rourke was first to cross the Spanish line during the first Democrat debate in order to display his diversity (which is fake, since he is “just another privileged white guy” according to USA Today.)

Candidate Cory […]

Pew Map of Illegal Aliens: Los Angeles Stars in California!

Pew Research has just published a brief report illustrating the clustering of large numbers of illegal aliens, titled 20 metro areas are home to six-in-ten unauthorized immigrants in U.S.. So it’s simple: there are millions of illegals and they bunch up together in unlucky (or liberal) cities.

The Pew map tells the overall story:


It Only Looked Dead — California Faces Bilingual Education Rerun

California voters must grapple with 17 state initiatives to be decided in this November’s election — the Voter Information Guide is a thick tome of 222 pages to explain all the details. (I will be consulting the voter guide from the John and Ken radio show when decision time gets closer.)

Sadly, California voters must […]

Puerto Rican Statehood Reappears As an Indestructable Bad Idea

Among the top worst ideas for America is to make Spanish-speaking, welfare-addicted, deeply corrupt Puerto Rico a state. Some Republican Presidential candidates — Marco Rubio, Jeb! Bush and Ben Carson — are strong proponents, as noted in a recent Fox News report about the territory’s money troubles:

MARCO RUBIO: I support statehood if that’s what […]

Limbaugh Promotes New Patriotic Book for Children — Translated into Spanish

I happened to click on Rush Limbaugh on Friday just in time to hear him chirp happily about publishing one of his patriotic Rush Revere kid books in Spanish. He has written several books about the American Revolution designed to interest the kiddies aged 10 and up in history and promote patriotism to counteract the […]

San Francisco’s Liberal Turf War Continues

The New York Times is fascinated with the ongoing cultural squabble in San Francisco, where two liberal groups have squared off over territory. Hispanics residing in the Mission neighborhood are angry that young tech workers are moving into “their” turf and taking scarce and increasingly expensive housing. (See my VDARE.com article from a year ago […]

Administration Promotes Low Literacy in America by Importing It

From Mexifornia comes news that hispanic children get an early start on a dropout future based on their parents’ disinterest in speaking and reading to their toddlers. According to researchers, it is an attitude of latino culture that says the home is not a place for education.

Meanwhile, the administration is organizing free flights from […]

California: Hispanic Academic Failure Is Blamed on Realistic Teachers

In Mexifornia, the growing population of hispanic kids is still doing poorly in school compared with the palefaces. A recent meditation from the Associated Press implies that the problem is Low Expectations, neatly pinning the blame on teachers and society as a whole. No mention of non-scholarly cultures at home.

However, Asian kids who attend […]

Chamber of Commerce Letter to House Leaders Demands Amnesty

The Chamber of Commerce is turning the screws on the House, with a high-pressure letter for House party leaders Boehner and Pelosi. Signers include everyone from Facebook to the American Beekeeping Federation. It’s the usual lies er, talking points about the economy, mostly with the threat that business wants millions of new cheap workers, or […]

Senator Rubio Supports Latino Museum in Smithsonian Complex

Evidence continues to mount that diverse Republican star Senator Marco Rubio is at heart a race man, who feels loyalty to his tribe rather than to the nation he took an oath to serve. He talks up the virtues of the American people, but his behavior suggests a different preference.

The Florida Senator makes fine […]

A Few Items for Amnesty Supporters to Consider

Blogger Mickey Kaus has a common-sensical list of simple questions about the upcoming amnesty legislation which is bearing down upon the nation. The points he brings up are part and parcel of the arguments against mass amnesty that restrictionists have been making for a long time, and are still true after all these years.

But […]

Gallup Post-Election Poll: Just 37 Percent Support Path to Citizenship for Illegals

Silly Republicans learning the wrong lessons from the recent electoral debacle should study the recent opinions gleaned from the little citizens. According to Gallup’s pollsters, the re-election of Obama has apparently not made Americans want to give up law and sovereignty in order to please foreign lawbreakers. A strong majority (62%) want illegal immigration stopped.
