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Diverse Sweden Rushes to Embrace (and Become) a Third World Culture

CBN reporter Dale Hurd recently visited the socialist multicultural utopia to see how all the imported diversity is working out.

Not so well, it appears.

Could it be that not all cultures are equal or compatible? Sweden has been particularly stubborn in avoiding the obvious truth that knuckle-dragger Islamic tribes should be left in their own locales to sort out their issues.

But saying political correctness is strong among Swedes is an understatement: the fear of discussing anything controversial, particularly diverse immigration, is extreme, despite the Muslim rape wave. Aren’t women’s rights and safety supposed to be important to liberals?

And what about last years’ week-long immigrant rioting in Stockholm and other cities? Even the New York Times named the perps as “bands made up mostly of young immigrants.”

Have the Swedes always been such loathesome weenies? They were officially neutral in WWII, although it has recently been reported that Sweden made secret loans to Nazi Germany.

Swedes are so silenced by PC, self-censorship and fear of being called racist that Somali refugee Amun Abdullahi (pictured) who tried unsuccessfully to report on jihad went back home to Mogadishu in disappointment.

Diverse liberalism is poison; Sweden is but one example. The national experience also shows what a mistake Muslim immigration is for any western society.

Soviet Sweden? Model Nation Sliding to Third World, By Dale Hurd, CBN, April 02, 2014

STOCKHOLM, Sweden — When President Barack Obama visited Sweden last year, he expressed his deep admiration for the Swedish model. But that should make Americans a little nervous.

One U.N. report says Sweden will be a third-world nation in about 15 years, below Libya and Bulgaria. Sweden is a society that believes it is racing into the future, but critics warn that it is racing to the bottom.

It has been a laboratory for all kinds of social experiments: Swedish leaders are trying to build the perfect society.

The country has been compared to two nations that also tried to build perfect societies: North Korea and the Soviet Union.

In Sweden, if you don’t like how utopia is being built, you won’t be shot like in North Korea, but your life could become very unpleasant, very quickly.

A Perfect Society?
A YouTube video shows a journalist from one of Sweden’s leading tabloids, Expressen, confronting a Swede at his home.

The man, a professor, made what he thought were anonymous negative comments on a website about immigrant problems in Sweden.

But left-wing hackers helped the newspaper track him and others like him down so they could be exposed before the whole nation as racists. Another man, a manager, was fired because of it.

Sweden’s leftist establishment and media believe a cornerstone of their perfect society is multiculturalism: large scale immigration from some of the poorest, most backward nations on earth. Swedes who disagree with that plan risk being labeled racist, fascist, even Nazi.

“Immigration is the starting point and the finishing point. It’s the most important point to prove you’re friendly toward foreigners, you’re friendly toward immigration,” Danish journalist Mikael Jalving, author of the book Absolut Sweden, said.

“It’s all about whether you can be said to be hostile to immigration. Once that is ‘proven,’ you’re out of the game. Once you’re ‘proven’ to be a racist or fascist or nationalist, which is almost as bad, you cannot have any legitimate positions or points of view,” he explained. Continue reading this article

Australia: Geert Wilders Helps Organize Pro-Freedom (Anti-Islam) Party

Australia has a big problem with its hostile Muslim population, one indication of which a 2012 riot in Sydney where several police were injured and nine rioters were arrested.

Muslim immigration has led to Middle Eastern gangs and balkanized Islamic neighborhoods. Muslim men despise the freedom of Aussie women, shown by the Lebanese gang rapes and harassment on beaches leading to violence.

In such an atmosphere, patriotic Australians are right to get more organized against the onslaught of Muslim diversity. The Q Society invited Geert Wilders, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and others to help rouse concerned citizens about the dangers of Islam, the political totalitarian movement. Hopefully, ending Muslim immigration will be at the top of the to-do list.

Unsurprisingly, the press is outraged at the thought of citizens recognizing a government-caused problem in their midst and taking steps to fix it.

Anti-Islam party to contest next election, The Australian, March 5, 2014

AN anti-Islam party based on the hardline views of Dutch politician Geert Wilders plans to field candidates at the next federal election, raising fears among moderate Muslims of a rise in extremism.

Mr Wilders, an influential far-right figure expected to shape the results of this year’s European elections, told followers in a video message that the Australian Liberty Alliance was being formed to “offer civil minded Australians fresh political vision and better policies”.

Policies advocated by Wilders’ Party for Freedom include deporting immigrants convicted of a crime and stopping all immigration from Islamic countries.

“Many of you are disappointed by current political parties and have had enough of politicians who sell our Western civilisation,” Mr Wilders said in his video. “Like you, good people in Europe, America, Canada have had enough of politicians who don’t share our values and foolishly declare all cultures are equal, and who lack the courage to speak the truth and say that Islam is the biggest threat to freedom today.

Australian Liberty Alliance was registered as a not-for-profit business last month by Debbie Robinson, the president of the Q Society, an anti-Islam think tank that was responsible for bringing Mr Wilders to Australia last year. The party will be headquartered in Western Australia and is expected to be launched by Mr Wilders early next year. It is yet to be registered as a political party with the Australian Electoral Commission. Continue reading this article

CPAC Tries to Appeal to Conservative Grassroots, with Limited Success

I’ve been getting uninvited e-mails from CPAC about its upcoming yak-a-thon conference, and the schedule of speakers looks pretty snoozeworthy. But what can you expect from an organization (American Conservative Union) that has consistently been too hidebound to grasp the growing threats of hostile Islam and open borders?

The ACU is quintessentially establishment conservative, but seems like it wants to get hip to new things happening, like the Tea Party (albeit five years late).

An indication of CPAC’s slight lean toward grassroots is the lack of an invite to House Speaker Boehner, although uber-suit types like amnesty hucksters Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan are appearing as usual.

Speaker Boehner (aka Obama’s Amnesty Poodle) is poison to Tea Party friends of national sovereignty because of his squishiness on work permits for illegal aliens.

Boehner gets official snub by CPAC, Washington Times, March 3, 2014

House Speaker John A. Boehner, who has tangled repeatedly with the right wing of the Republican Party, has not been invited to this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference, a major snub at the annual gathering and a sign of the top Republican officeholder’s struggle to find common ground with grass-roots activists.

People familiar with CPAC’s planning, who spoke only on the condition of anonymity, said the American Conservative Union, which hosts the event, never sent an invitation to Mr. Boehner, in part because it wanted the focus this year to be on leading conservative thinkers at the grass-roots level and not at the congressional or party leadership level. [. . .]

Good luck with that outreach thing. Critical issues like immigration enforcement are still overlooked because CPAC at heart represents Conservatism Inc. with a large dollop of Chamber of Commerce.

The blacklisting of speakers and issues has been on the increase. In 2009, Geert Wilders appeared to a packed private gathering of over 500, because the suits running CPAC didn’t think the heroic defender of western civilization was worth a speaker’s slot.

The censorship became so bad that last year Breitbart.com held its own panel called “The Uninvited” which included NumbersUSA’s Rosemary Jenks, JihadWatch.org scholar Robert Spencer and counterjihad writer Pamela Geller. See my blog, How to Get Uninvited to CPAC for details.

Breitbart upped its game this year and has set up a whole day of Uninvited speakers. The only truly sour note is Newt Gingrich, who likes his amnesty in Spanish. Hopefully Gingrich will get the smackdown he deserves for promoting non-assimilation for his own political advantage.

More information about the Thursday March 6 event is available at Homeland Threats. The conference will be live-streamed online.

Breitbart to Co-Host ‘The Uninvited II: The National Security Action Summit’ during CPAC,

Breitbart News Network will hosting its second annual national security forum during the Conservative Political Action Conference and expand the event from a single panel to a full day of events with top conservative leaders.

Speakers for the event include former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, and Reps. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Trent Franks (R-AZ), and Jim Bridenstine (R-OK).

Many of the speakers presenting at the Uninvited II were not invited to CPAC, which is organized by the American Conservative Union.

EMPAct America’s Henry Schwartz and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon will be leading the summit; Center for Security Policy President and former Reagan official Frank Gaffney will moderate.

The summit will take place at the Westin Hotel around the corner from CPAC’s location at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center at National Harbor. This year’s “Uninvited” event will take place on Thursday, March 6, the first day of CPAC.

“Conservatives — and Americans more generally — must be informed about the various international challenges confronting the United States today and in the years to come, and what we can do to address them,” Gaffney said. “The National Security Action Conference is a much-needed corrective to the failure of CPAC to cover such topics. Better yet, it will do so with many conservative leaders and others from whom especially the CPAC audience needs to hear, but no longer can.” Continue reading this article

Syria: Muslims Demand Jizya of Christians

Ever wonder how Muslims took over so much territory with their unpleasant totalitarian political system disguised by a cloak of religion? One major tactic: they make the lives of religious minorities completely miserable with second-class status and constant intimidation to the point where people give up and convert. If Christians or Jews don’t submit to the Islamic jackboot, they can keep their religion by paying a “tax”, a form of extortion called jizya, to keep their religion, although with extreme restrictions.

Syria is 90 percent Muslim, which puts non-Allah worshippers at a bad disadvantage, particularly with amphetamine-crazed jihadists running around with the Koran, automatic weapons and a supremacist attitude.

Islam is completely incompatible with western beliefs in freedom, and we shouldn’t be admitting Muslims as immigrants.

Radical Muslims Force ‘Protection’ Tax on Christians, CBN, March 3, 2014

Radical Islamist rebels in the Syrian city of Raqqa are forcing Christians to pay for protection.

Christians must pay over $600 twice a year for the protection, convert to Islam, or “face the sword,” the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria said in a statement posted online.

The statement referred to the “dhimmi pact,” an ancient law allowing Christians and Jews to live in Islamic kingdoms if they paid a tax. Christians under protection will be allowed to worship privately, keep their own cemeteries and have their own clergy.

However, Christians must keep their religious items out of public sight. They are also not allowed to evangelize, bear arms, or pray where Muslims might hear them.

The ISIS terrorist group grew out of al Qaeda in Iraq and has become the most feared militia in Syria. Raqqa has been under rebel control since May 2013.

Muslim Bethlehem Hopes Some Christians Will Remain (for the Tourists)

Every Christmas season, the world glances toward Bethlehem and sometimes notices the disappearing Christians in the town of Jesus’ birth as hostile Muslims make life untenable there and beyond.

A century ago, Bethlehem was 90 percent Christian. Today the population has dwindled to around 15 percent. So now the place is a Muslim town with a Christian history — like the rest of the Middle East.

Jihadwatch’s Robert Spencer presented a talk recently at the Restoration Weekend event with the topic “Why Christians are persecuted in the Middle East” as part of a panel titled “The Genocidal Axis.” Hint: the majority Muslim population is not merely in a grumpy mood, but Spencer stated there is “an organized effort to expel all the Christians from the Middle East… Churches are being burned.”

Meanwhile, some leading politicians of Bethlehem want to go against the ethnic cleansing trend and encourage Christians to stay in the community, even return from abroad. The reason is not a newly developed sense of human compassion (which is hard to locate among the Soldiers of Allah), but the appeal of money. Allowing the birthplace of Jesus to devolve into a cardboard theme park run by Muslims who despise the Christian message is understandably unappealing to religious people who want to visit the place of the Gospels. So Christians are now seen as desirable living props to attract tourist cash.

Of course it’s unsurprising that Christians want to leave. Who can blame them? Islam and freedom are incompatible, as Dutch statesman Geert Wilders has noted.

Below, a worshipper lights candles at Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity.

Little Palestinian town of Bethlehem wants its tourists, Christian residents to come back, Washington Post, December 21, 2013

BETHLEHEM, West Bank — There’s been something missing in the birthplace of Christianity: Christians.

For years, Palestinian Christians have been quietly abandoning the place where Jesus is said to have been born in a manger. Middle-class residents here have packed their bags for less chaotic lives in Latin America, Europe and the United States.

Tourism ground to a halt more than a decade ago, during the second Palestinian intifada, or uprising, and is now experiencing a comeback.

But Palestinians say major challenges remain: the Israeli military checkpoints and security barrier that separates Bethlehem from Jerusalem, a ten minute drive away; the shuttered homes and shops that are symbols of a stagnant economy; and the Israeli settlements that are growing around Bethlehem on land claimed by the Palestinians for a future state.

Vera Baboun, Bethlehem’s first female mayor, wants to make her city open to all, especially to Christian pilgrims — and those Palestinians who have left. A Christian whose late husband spent three years in an Israel jail during the first intifada, Baboun wants to lure back former residents, and roll out the red carpet to encourage Christian pilgrims to extend their stays. Continue reading this article

Poll: Islam Fundamentalism Is Common in Europe

According to the liberal pro-diversity establishment, the true Islam is a “religion of peace” which has been hijacked by a small minority of extremists to commit numerous acts of terrorist violence. Elites further cling to the belief that Muslims residing in the West have assimilated to modern values.

Maybe not so much, if a recent poll in Europe is to be believed. A survey in several countries that contacted Muslims about their beliefs revealed that opinions thought to be extreme and rare were actually common. Those ideas include hostility toward gay persons and Jews, plus the belief that the West is out to destroy Islam (while at the same time many Muslims work to institute the worldwide rule of sharia law):

The survey results were published in WZB Mitteilungen, December 2013: “Fundamentalism and out-group hostility. Comparing Muslims and Christians in Europe”.

Even the diversity-prone Washington Post took notice, though the scribbler bashed Geert Wilders and other Europeans who have accurately warned of jihadist danger admitted via foolish immigration policies.

How widespread is Islamic fundamentalism in Western Europe?, Washington Post, December 13, 2013

One narrative about Muslim immigrants in Europe is that only a relatively small proportion holds views that are sometimes labeled as “fundamentalist.” Ruud Koopmans from the Wissenschaftszentrum in Berlin argues that this perspective is incorrect. He conducted a telephone survey of 9,000 respondents in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Austria, and Sweden and interviewed both Turkish and Moroccan immigrants as well as a comparison group of Christians.

His first finding is that majorities of Muslim immigrants believe that there is only one interpretation of the Koran possible to which every Muslim should stick (75 percent), and that religious rules are more important than the laws of the country in which they live (65 percent). Moreover, these views are as widespread among younger Muslims as among older generations. Continue reading this article

Canada Funds a Program to Dissuade Honor Killing among Its Misogynous Muslims

Here’s a recent item about the cost for immigration diversity: Canadian taxpayers will be dinged $300,000 for a program to instruct Muslim newbies not to murder their women and girls if they violate Islam’s oppressive standards.

Seriously, if you have to tell an immigrant tribe not to kill the females whenever the mood strikes them, perhaps they are not a suitable group to admit to your western society. SunTV’s Brian Lilley brought up the unpleasant root cause, “Doesn’t this point to a problem with our immigration system?”

In fact, wherever Muslims reside, there are “honor” killings and other abuse of women and girls, behavior which is often defended by perps as being “their culture.”

Below, Iraqi immigrant dad Faleh Almaleki honor-killed his daughter Noor by running her down in an Arizona parking lot with his SUV because she had become too “westernized”.

Wait, wasn’t immigration diversity supposed to be enriching us benighted westerners?

In 2009, Canadians were shocked by a quadruple honor killing in an Afghan family where the father, wife and son murdered three daughters and a polygamous wife #2 for becoming too assimilated to western values of freedom and individuality. The Shafia family killers were found guilty last year, still proclaiming they were innocent despite copious evidence. Canadian journalist Michael Coren explained after the verdict that under Islam it is perfectly acceptable to lie to infidels and honor killing is not even illegal in many Muslim nations.

Islam is not compatible in any way with western norms of freedom, so trying to retrain Muslim immigrants after they have been admitted is a fool’s errand. Canada would be better off to end Muslim immigration entirely (just as America should!) but the government is doing band-aid stuff now that won’t solve the problem.

Tories fund program hoping to combat ‘honour’ crimes in Canada’s Muslim community, National Post, September 5, 2013

Kellie Leitch, the federal Status of Women Minister who is also an orthopedic surgeon, uses her experience in the operating room to explain the delicate reasons for the government’s special funding announcement Thursday to combat “honour” crimes in Canada’s Muslim community.

“Not every broken elbow is the same and I take a different approach in the operating room to fixing certain types of fractures of the elbow depending on what might need to be addressed,” she said in an interview Thursday.

“And I think we see those differences amongst ethno-cultural groups as well,” she said, noting different communities often deal with different family violence issues.

“They are different amongst different ethnic groups; they are different amongst different cultural groups. They require, sometimes, a different approach.”

With that as backdrop, Ms. Leitch announced $306,040 in federal money for a project to curtail domestic violence linked to cultural practices among some Muslim families. Continue reading this article

Los Angeles: Geert Wilders Speech Explains Europe’s Situation

The Dutch freedom-fighter Geert Wilders (pictured) visited southern California last weekend to deliver a speech at an event titled “Europe’s Last Stand?”

Wilders analyzed the history and wrong ideas leading to the current liberal dislike of national sovereignty among European liberals, namely their belief that Nazi fascism was caused by bad patriotism.

As it happens, liberals believe that if they can just find the perfect construct of government, then utopia will result, so they keep plugging away, trying to find the secret recipe. California liberals, for example, have led the charge for diversity being the highest good, which if somehow turned into a principle of governance, then everyone can live happily in a multicultural Eden.

The California experiment has not been encouraging, from the liberal viewpoint, if honest. The Golden State gets less like paradise and more like Babel every year, with its growing population of diverse residents.

Geert Wilders is a great friend of national patriotism, and would probably agree with the 2003 remark of Czech President Vaclav Klaus: “You cannot have democratic accountability in anything bigger than a nation state.”

The unaccountable European Union is the real problem with government in Europe, Wilders believes, which doesn’t allow the Netherlands to protect itself by keeping out hostile Muslim immigrants. Disconnecting from the giant EU PC nanny state would allow more freedom of the people.

At a time when Washington’s super-sized digital snoopocracy feels threatening to Americans, we should all pay attention to Geert Wilders’ wise observations about patriotism and the nation-state.

The Resurgence of National Pride and the Future of Europe, Speech of Geert Wilders, Los Angeles, June 9, 2013

Dear friends, thank you for inviting me to Los Angeles. I always like coming to the United States. There are many things that I admire Americans for. One of them is that they are unashamedly patriotic.

The American Freedom Association [actually, the American Freedom Alliance: BW] has asked me to speak to you about the future of Europe.

Europe is in a terrible state. Bit by bit, European countries are losing their national sovereignty. The economy is in shambles. Islamic immigrants riot and terrorize the many locals. And when people’s throats are slit in the streets, while the murderers shout “Allahu Akbar,” the authorities appease the killers and declare that Islam has nothing to do with it.

Europeans feel that the gap between them en those who rule them is growing. Many no longer feel represented by their politicians. There is a complete disconnect between the people that truly rule Europe and the people that live in it.

The blame lies to a large extent with the European Union and the weak leadership within the European countries which have signed away their national sovereignty. The EU cannot be compared to the United States. Europe is a continent of many different nations with their own identities, traditions and languages. The EU is a supranational organization, but its leaders aim to turn it into a state. To this end they are destroying the wealth, identity and freedoms of the existing nation-states of Europe.

Before I elaborate, let us take a closer look at the terrible mistake that Europe made.

Following the Second World War, Europe’s leaders mistakenly thought that patriotism was the cause of the war.

All over Europe, not just in Germany, but everywhere, they equated the defense of national identity with extremism.

Politicians told the electorate that the nation state was dangerous.

On the rooftops of Europe’s parliaments and official buildings, they flew the EU flag next to the national flag, as if the nation is nothing but a province of a Pan-European empire.

On the number plates of European cars, they put the EU flag instead of the national flag, thereby forcing people to drive around with the symbol of their subjection.

They signed away their national interests for the goal of so-called Europeanization.

Such policies could never have been possible if the ruling elite had not fallen for the ideology of cultural and moral relativism. Patriotism, which is a virtue, came to be seen as a vice.

Today, the citizens of Europe are reaping the bitter harvest of this arrogance, this refusal to stand by the ancient nations of Europe, the mothers of modern democracy, the guardians of our liberty.

The EU stands for everything that is wrong in Europe.

It is a gigantic undemocratic transnational monster.

It issues legislation permeated with cultural relativism.

It meddles in the everyday lives of millions of people.

It has opened Europe’s borders to uncontrolled mass immigration, mostly from Islamic countries.
And it has deprived Europe’s parliaments of a huge amount of their legislative powers. Continue reading this article

Netherlands Poll: Less Islam and Fewer Muslims Would Be an Improvement

Citizens of the Netherlands has been polled about how much they love their Muslim diversity and how much better the country is after being culturally enriched by immigration.

Oh wait, the Dutch don’t like having unpleasant hostile Muslims in their midst at all, according to a recent survey. The whole experience has been a disaster, from the assassination of Pim Fortuyn to the attacks on basic free speech by demanding Muslims.

We Americans should take the hint and end Muslim immigration on national security grounds before it’s too late.

Below, a diverse neighborhood in Amsterdam.

Reaction Geert Wilders to Islam poll: “The Netherlands has had enough of Islam”, Geert Wilders Blog, June 1, 2013

The Netherlands has enough of Islam. More than three quarters of the Dutch (77 percent) believe that Islam is no enrichment for our country. More than two-thirds – 68 percent – say that there is enough Islam in the Netherlands. It is striking that a majority of voters from all political parties (from PVV to VVD, CDA, D66, PvdA, SP and 50plus) share this view.

A poll conducted by the research bureau of Maurice de Hond (the Dutch equivalent of Gallup), commissioned by the PVV, among a representative sample of over 1,900 people also shows other striking results:

A majority of 55 percent favors stopping immigration from Islamic countries.

63 percent say: no new mosques.

72 percent favor a constitutional ban on Sharia law in the Netherlands.

64 percent say that the arrival of immigrants from Islamic countries has not been beneficial to the Netherlands.

Nearly three-quarters – 73 percent – of all Dutch see a relationship between Islam and the recent terror acts in Boston, London and Paris.

PVV leader Geert Wilders: “The results are very clear. The Netherlands has had enough of Islam. The majority do not want new immigrants from Islamic countries, nor any new mosques. They think that Islam is no enrichment for the Netherlands and say: Enough is enough. I will confront the Dutch government with these findings and demand that we finally stop the Islamisation of the Netherlands. For a long time is has been claimed that anti-Islamic opinions are extremist. It is clear now that they a majority of our people supports them!”

Click here to read the opinion poll conducted by Maurice de Hond (Dutch).

How to Get Uninvited to CPAC

In previous years, the Conservative Political Action Conference allowed a few non-Conservatism Inc. events to occur around the edges, like the hugely popular 2009 appearance of Geert Wilders, a Dutch critic of hostile Islam and its threat to western liberties.

This year, certain people were prevented from having such meetings, which were considered by the big brains of CPAC to be outside the bounds of proper conservatism.

Fortunately, the Breitbart people stepped up and put on a panel called The Uninvited — which may cause Breitbart to be uninvited next year. Along with anti-amnesty Ann Coulter. We’ll see.

The Uninvited speakers included Rosemary Jenks of Numbers USA, Dan Gouré of the Lexington Institute, The Hudson Institute’s Nina Shea, Frank Gaffney of Center for Security Policy, Jihad Watch blogger Robert Spencer, and Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs.

Below is a video of Robert Spencer speaking from the Uninvited panel. For a little more background, see his article Why I Am Not a CPAC Conservative.

Breitbart itself had a follow-up discussing the importance of free speech in these difficult times:

‘UNINVITED’: Spencer: Where Is Opposition to Jihadis?

Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch, participated Saturday in Breitbart News’ wide-ranging “Uninvited” panel on the final day of the annual CPAC. Covering issues from crony capitalism, global jihad and the global persecution of Christians, the “Uninvited” panel was the only opportunity CPAC attendees had to discuss several issues critical to our national security.

Spencer’s remarks were framed around the provocative title, “Why I’m Not a Conservative.” The title was toungue-in-cheek, of course, as Spencer has a long history in conservative activism, devoting much of his career to defending the constitution. Because his focus is on the threat to the constitution from the imposition of Islamic Sharia Law, however, his work has been unwelcome at recent CPAC gatherings.

Spencer noted that, in recent years, discussing the threat Sharia Law poses to our basic freedoms, “is suddenly that’s so toxic, that’s so controversial, that’s so evil that they only way I can get here, even to the Conservative Political Action Conference is on a panel called the ‘uninvited.'” Continue reading this article

Muslims Threaten Free Speech from Paris to Perth

Free speech is increasingly under attack in the West, due to Muslim immigration, but there has been little media attention given to alarms like the attempted assassination of Danish journalist Lars Hedegaard (pictured) in Copenhagen earlier this month.

A Muslim came to his front door pretending to deliver a package, but instead drew a gun and fired at Hedegaard for his outspoken views in warning against hostile Islam. In January, he began publishing Dispatch International to report the unpleasant news about Muslims in Europe which made him a bigger target for jihadists.

One might think the press would be concerned about censorship, but in general it has been paralyzed in fear, for safety concerns and dread of racism accusations, even though Islam is clearly not a race. During the Danish cartoon controversy of 2006, only a couple American publications actually printed the drawings of Mohammed.

Regarding the Hedegaard assassination attempt, only Canada’s SunTV has paid attention on this side of the Atlantic. You don’t see this sort of coverage on Fox News.

Hedegaard was lucky to escape with his life. But the assault shows what critics of Islam now face. The violence was not an anomaly: artist Kurt Westergaard was also attacked in his home by an axe-wielding Somali for upsetting sensitive Muslims. Lars Vilks has received numerous death threats for his drawings showing Mohammed as a dog.

In Paris, the humor magazine Charlie Hebdo was firebombed in 2011 for a slightly rude issue about Mohammed, yet the publication continues to produce edgy material, notably a cartoon biography of Islam’s prophet.

Here in the United States, cartoonist Mollie Norris of the Seattle Weekly was forced to go into hiding after suggesting the Everybody Draw Mohammed Day in support of free speech.

Another Cassandra is Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who is currently doing a speaking tour through Australia. The speech scheduled for Perth was canceled because the venue pulled out at the last minute: such is the effectiveness of intimidation and threats of violence.

Below is an Aussie press interview in which Wilders expressed his objections to Islam despite rather belligerent questioning. He warned Australians to learn from Europe’s mistake of allowing Muslim immigration.

One bit of good news: Wilders’ speech in Melbourne went ahead on February 19, despite scuffles outside from unfriendlies. Read the text here.

Geert Wilders to Tour Australia with Warning against Muslim Immigration

Geert Wilders is one of the most forthright defenders of Western Civilization against the onslaught of Muslim immigration, which is absolutely a war, only without the tanks and airplanes.

As a result, the Dutch parliamentarian has 24/7 security, with no semblance of a normal life because of the credible death threats. (Another freedom fighter, Lars Hedegaard, was the target of an unsuccessful assassination attempt earlier in February.)

The great thing about Wilders is that he isn’t afraid to name the cause of Europe’s Islam problem — immigration. In the interview below, with a liberal journalist, he responded fearlessly to unfriendly questions that “Islam and freedom are incompatible.” He further remarked, “I believe that we should stop the immigration, the mass immigration from Islamic countries.”

How sensible, to believe that Western nations should stop welcoming admitted enemies for the last 1400 years!

Here’s the transcript.

Geert Wilders interview – ABC Lateline, Australia, GeertWilders.nl, February 13, 2013

TONY JONES, PRESENTER: Now to our guest.
Geert Wilders is the Dutch anti-immigration and anti-Islam MP. He’s the founder of the right wing Party For Freedom.

Next week, Geert Wilders arrives in Australia for a visit that’s been a long time in the making. He planned to come here about a year ago and drew early support from Liberal Senator Cory Bernadi who later distanced himself from the idea.

Now he’s being sponsored by the anti-Islamic group The Q Society, on a road trip that’s sure to fire debate over what constitutes free speech or hate speech.

Geert Wilders joins us now live from The Hague. Thanks for being there.

GEERT WILDERS, LEADER, PARTY FOR FREEDOM: Well, thanks for having me on your show tonight.

TONY JONES: Are you on some sort of global jihad against Islam?

GEERT WILDERS: Indeed. I am more on a global jihad to preserve our freedom. I believe that even though I have nothing against the people or Muslims or anybody for that reason, I believe that Islam and freedom are incompatible. And I believe that the mistakes that we made in Europe in the last decades by allowing so much mass immigration from Islamic countries is a warning that if Australia is not vigilant enough to preserve the freedom, what has happened here might happen to Australia in the next decades as well.

TONY JONES: So very precisely you plan to warn Australian audiences of what you see as the danger of Islamic migration, is that correct?

GEERT WILDERS: Well, yes, I believe that once again, Islam and freedom are incompatible. Islam is according to me, my party, not so much a religion as well as it is a totalitarian ideology. In Islam there is not much room for anything else but Islam.

Look how in societies today where Islam is dominant and prominent, how any non-Islamic person, whether it’s a Christian or an apostate or a woman or a critical journalist, how they are treated. This is in a very bad way, often with the death penalty or imprisonment or all those kind of terrible things.

I believe that what with the mass immigration to our free societies, our societies will change, and it will change for the worse. And I’m proud to say you are not a racist or a bigot or anything like that if you say that the Netherlands, as Australia, is a culture based on Christianity, on Judaism, on humanism, and it should not, nor ever will become a society based on Islamic failures. We should fight it, we should stop it, we should be proud of who we are and define what we are not. Continue reading this article