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liberal politics « Limits to Growth

Tucker Carlson Reviews California’s Legal Framework for Increased Crime

It’s interesting to reflect how some on the left are actually pro-crime, from pooping on the sidewalks to substantial theft from stores. Arguably the best example is California’s Prop 47 which was sold to the voters as a public safety measure which would prevent time-wasting efforts of police on smaller crimes to focus on major […]

Big Tech Censorship Shapes Impeachment Coverage

There has been a growing clamor against the heavy hand of Big Tech meddling in political and cultural affairs in the United States. Concerned citizens complain, but Washington has done nothing to diminish the extreme power of Google in particular.

Prof. Robert Epstein has warned against Google’s use of its Search function to influence voters […]

New York City Will Fine You $250K for Use of “Illegal Alien” and Other Un-PC Terminology

Liberal governments might want to be less revealing about the sort of America they envision after they have smashed the Trump administration and overwhelmed the Republican electorate with illegal alien voters. A basic value like free speech (Item #1 in the Constitution) is troublesome to leftists and is already under attack.

Democrat 2020 candidate Joe […]

Democrat Candidates Hope Impeachment Won’t Interfere with Their 2020 Campaigns

A headline on Sunday’s New York Times declares “Democrats Say 2020 Message Isn’t ‘Impeach!’” and the story then discusses how that legal struggle may complicate the Dem messaging. The candidates may hope that the impeachment process won’t overshadow all their swell ideas for the country (like free healthcare for all illegal aliens) but we know […]

Democrat Van Drew Discusses His Opposition to Impeachment with Tucker Carlson

Not every Democrat supports Speaker Pelosi’s call for impeaching the president. Congressman Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey would rather work on policies that benefit the American people, like lowering prescription drug prices and rebuilding aging infrastructure. He is also a member of the Problem-Solvers Caucus which has 48 members divided equally between Democrats and […]

Democrat Party Is Being Run by Its Far Left, Not Speaker Pelosi

It’s sad to see the Democrat Party members go completely bonkers over the Trump presidency. We know it’s normal to be disappointed when your tribe loses a major election, but adults have a few drinks, pull up their socks and carry on with life. Democrats are doing no such thing, at least in the House […]

Impeachment Brings Opportunity to Remember Democrat Duplicity

Politicians often act as if film and videotape of past events did not exist, so they routinely make statements that are polar opposites of what they have said previously. They rely on friendly news outlets not to embarrass them by broadcasting examples of their hypocrisy.

It’s unlikely, for example, that CNN and MSNBC are showing […]

Democrats Manipulate Children and Climate Reality to Grab Power

We certainly live in an age of politics bereft of facts, where whole political movements can be created by the collusion of the liberal press and special interest groups on the left. The biggest of those is of course the Climate Change fraud — and naturally, such an enormous worldwide threat means government must have […]

Candidate Kamala Harris Attains the Democrat Ideal of Diversity above All

More than a year ago I asked about Kamala Harris, “How pathetic have Democrat politics become when a freshman senator with no accomplishments thinks she can make a credible run for president?”

It’s still a good question, and the answer requires delving into D-party psychology.

Democrat strategists see the California senator as a winner because […]

Tucker Carlson Explains President Obama’s Fake Friendship with Joe Biden

Tucker Carlson is back from his Canadian fishing trip, and he began his return show with an analysis of Joe Biden’s campaign and some of its backstory.

The former Vice President is running at the top of the polls, with none of the other hopefuls within striking distance. Still, candidate Biden is bringing back old […]

Tucker Carlson Interviews Author of New Book about Koch Brothers’ Political Influence

Is it reasonable to think that the principles of engineering and global economics alone are an adequate basis for running a complex modern nation, particularly this one? Apparently the Koch Brothers have such a philosophy and their millions of dollars in political donations to Republican candidates have shaped the party’s behavior for years.

Unfortunately, the […]

Former Google Employee: Company Will Try to Prevent Trump Re-election

While some Democrats still chatter on about the crazy Russia threat to America’s democracy, concerned citizens should look more carefully at the exalted tech elites in Silicon Valley for a real danger to free and fair elections.

A major hint appeared after the 2016 Trump election when Breitbart posted a leaked video from Google headquarters […]