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2018 November « Limits to Growth

Tucker Carlson Observes that Caravan Types Won’t Be Needed in America’s Automation Economy

How can anyone who knows about the automation threat see the multiple illegal alien caravans marching on our country without concern? America needs workers in the busy Trump economy, but skilled legal people are required, not grade school dropouts from Honduras who may turn to crime when wealth is not forthcoming.

Worse, this is only […]

Tucker Carlson Examines the Controversy about Nationalism

When President Trump visited France for the 100th anniversary of the WWI Armistice, French leader Macron went out of his way to insult him and all the efforts made by Americans to help and protect France.

One point of contention was Macron’s strange argument that nationalism was the opposite of patriotism. Not in my dictionary, […]

New York Times Expresses Dismay regarding US Soldiers on the Border

Sunday’s New York Times featured an extra-large photo of US troops preparing for duty on the US border:

As expected, the Times text is dismissive of the effort, but surely many Americans will appreciate our soldiers protecting this nation’s security rather than everywhere else on earth. For example, US troops have remained in South […]

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Is Fired

It has been obvious for a while that Jeff Sessions was unlikely to last long past the midterm elections as attorney general; still, the suddenness of Wednesday’s dismissal was a little raw.

The history is complicated. Sessions was the first senator to respond to Trump’s seriousness about immigration enforcement and what that could mean, so […]

Somali Diversity Reaches US House of Representatives

As we know, the Democrats have taken control of the House, and the usual liberal platitudes were used to celebrate the occasion.

The 2019 Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, used election night to congratulate the “dynamic diverse incredible candidates who have taken back the House for the American people.”

How diverse? In some instances: very.

Certainly eye-catching […]

Amazon’s Reduced Holiday Hiring Indicates Success of Robots Replacing Workers

Companies usually deny that they incorporate automation to take the place of humans, saying instead that the machines are there to “help” workers or something similarly misleading. But obviously, businesses don’t invest millions of dollars without an eye to saving money in the long run. And Amazon is a top example of how smart machines […]