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Kiva robots « Limits to Growth

Warehouse Work Is Increasingly Done by Robots

A major reason why Amazon honcho Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world ($132B in 2018) was his early adoption of robots in his warehouses — see my 2016 article Amazon Robotics in The Social Contract for background.

Below, the Kiva robots of Amazon scoot under the appropriate rack of merchandise and bring […]

Amazon’s Reduced Holiday Hiring Indicates Success of Robots Replacing Workers

Companies usually deny that they incorporate automation to take the place of humans, saying instead that the machines are there to “help” workers or something similarly misleading. But obviously, businesses don’t invest millions of dollars without an eye to saving money in the long run. And Amazon is a top example of how smart machines […]

“Humanless” Warehouse Appears in China

China says it has the world’s first totally robotic warehouse although the machines are made in Japan. What’s noticeable about the ‘bots is how much the little floor scooters look like knockoffs from Amazon’s Kiva machines. Often when a large company purchases a smaller one (Amazon buying Kiva for $775 million in 2012), it then […]

Amazon Robots Propel Online Shopping but Repress Retail

Stores are certainly suffering since Amazon brought its robot battalions onto the retail field. The Kiva robots are an integral and necessary part of the millions of products that Jeff Bezos sells online and quickly ships to customers. Amazon purchased the Kiva robots in 2012 for $775 million; before that, human workers pushed carts around […]

Automation King Jeff Bezos Objects to President Trump’s Immigration Restriction

These billionaires can never get enough immigrants — they work cheap and shop enthusiastically. You might think the third richest man in the world might have better things to do than overwhelm America with overpopulation and unfriendly diversity. In particular, the man who arguably spearheaded the drive to automate jobs and put Americans out of […]

SpotMini Robot Loads Dishwasher and Delivers Beer

Last February, millions watched a video of Boston Dynamics’ amazing Atlas robot as it walked with ease through a snowy landscape.

Did you see it? Watch that video here.

Now the company is back with an even more advanced machine — SpotMini — that can grasp and place a wine glass into a dishwasher […]