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violence « Limits to Growth

Community Lynchings Are on the Uptick in Mexico

We see various reports that Mexico is progressing in education and expanding its middle class, with hopes that the country might be growing out of backwards culture.

But a front-page story in the Sunday New York Times shows the bad old days of mob lynchings are still ordinary and are even increasing because of “frustration.” […]

Mexico: Violence Lowers Male Life Expectancy

We know that Mexico is a very violent place, where wars among drug cartels take out thousands annually. Interestingly, there are so many murders that the average lifetimes of Mexican men have been reduced by several months, according to a new study. That’s a lot of dead bodies to affect such a major demographic factor.


Germany: Disaffected New Aliens Are Targeted for Jihad Recruiting

Germany’s admittance of a million plus Syrians this year creates an impossible situation where needy people cannot be cared for because of the huge numbers, and great resentment will result in some. Most of the young men (the majority demographic) appear to have an exalted opinion of Germany, and can’t wait to reach the land […]

Germany Looks to Refugees for Labor, Even as It Transforms the Workplace with Automation

One of the reasons given for German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s excessive welcome to Syrian refugees was to add humans to the nation’s workforce.

Tapping refugees to combat Germany’s labor shortage, Deutsche Welle, September 2, 2015

The thousands of refugees pouring into Germany every day could offer Europe’s largest economy an opportune solution to plug the […]

Arizona Sheriff Condemns Feds for Irresponsible Release of Dangerous Aliens into American Communities

On Tuesday, Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu held a press event to draw attention to the continuing release of violent illegal aliens onto American streets. He chose three diverse characters as examples to demonstrate how little our government cares about the citizens’ safety.

Below, a Sudanese, a Russian and an Iraqi walk out of a […]

Illegal Alien Child Beater Fails to Appear in Court

A violent illegal alien who was released from jail for a charge of bone-breaking assault did not show up for his court date. Whatever did authorities have in mind when they allowed bail for a man who was definitely a flight risk?

That’s a rhetorical question in California, where the most dangerous foreigners like to […]

Britain Celebrates VJ Day as Invasion Proceeds in Greece with UK as the Goal

How disconnected has the West gotten from the basics of survival? Indications are discouraging. One example is the remembrance of the WWII victory this week while at the same time a future conflict is being created by Europe’s stupid opening its borders to many thousands of likely enemies.

Below, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, danced […]

Muslim Cabbies Struggle with Ramadan in Big Western Cities

Customs deriving from a desert religion can be inconvenient. The Islam holiday of Ramadan requires Muslims to fast from dawn to sundown for a month, which can put a crimp into normal behaviors like work.

Ramadan is determined by a lunar calendar, so it occurs in varying seasons over the years. This year’s observance starts […]

Is the Obama Administration the Friendliest Ever to Illegal Alien Criminals?

The Boston Globe had a rather eye-catching graphic on its Sunday front page illustrating the sort of diverse and dangerous criminals who are released by the government that is supposed to protect us citizens.

It’s not exactly news that public safety ranks near the bottom on the administration’s priority list. Its crime-friendly policies are so […]

US Attorney Says Minnesota’s Terror Recruitment Problem Is Unconnected to Somali Immigration

On Monday, the government announced the arrest of several young Somalis determined to reach the ISIS territory in the Middle East. The arrests were the result of a months-long investigation.

Below, four of the six Somalis who planned on killing infidels for allah.

The presser was run by the US Attorney for Minnesota, Andrew […]

Malmo, Sweden: Secondary School Closes because of Violence

Ongoing violence has caused a school in Sweden’s third largest city of Malmo to be shut by safety officers of the teachers’ union.

The location of the school is in the suburb of Rosengaard which has experienced white flight beginning in the ’70s and may by now be majority “immigrant” — meaning Muslim.

As Dale […]

Sweden Doubles Down on Diversity

A couple years ago, Sweden’s liberal political elites went completely bonkers by offering their nation as a home for unlimited Syrian refugees at a time when two million had been driven out by the Islamic civil war. There’s no way that one-tenth that number of Muslim Middle Easterners could be successfully settled in Sweden (population […]