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truck drivers « Limits to Growth

Los Angeles Times Celebrates Sikh Truck Drivers

The LA Times has definitely drunk deep from the Diversity delusion, believing it to be the source of virtue and the cure for evil. Too bad.

Often the Times promotes hispanics as being superior to crass, meanie Americans who built the country that the world is invading by the thousands daily.

But on Saturday, the […]

Tucker Carlson Sees Coming Automation Disruption Worsened by “Lunatic” Immigration

It’s a rare thing to hear anyone in politics discuss the threat of automation to the economy — certainly no candidates did in the 2016 presidential campaign, and I watched closely. You would think that a genuine leader would have a plan to lessen the shock of massive job loss when it becomes cheaper to […]

When Machines Replace Humans behind the Wheel

The Christian Science Monitor recently took a good long look at how the automated future will affect workers in one of the nation’s largest job categories — trucking. Self-driving vehicles will likely cause a great number of the two million-plus truck drivers in America to be put out of work.

Below, a 2015 map of […]

Self-driving 18-Wheeler Trucks Forecast for Highways in Ten Years

It’s interesting to see that many tech prognosticators see self-driving vehicles to be a reality in a decade (or less). A little Google search experiment got 1.4 million hits for self-driving cars OR trucks decade. The search gets a bunch of junk but also turns up titles like Self-driving cars could be on Britain’s road […]