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poll « Limits to Growth

Vicente’s Valentine to Mexico Friend Rick Perry

Here’s an item of historic interest, a video of Mexican Presidente Vicente Fox thanking his compadre Governor Rick Perry for American taxpayer-subsidized in-state tuition for illegal Mexicans in Texas state universities, dated November 6, 2003:

Another measure of Gov. Perry’s generosity toward non-Americans is that “of jobs created in Texas since 2007, 81 percent […]

English-Speaking Americans Suffer Discrimination for Jobs

Add “bilingual” preference on the part of business to the increasing ways that Americans face unfair treatment in our own nation. More and more, citizens are expected to know the language of the invader while Spanish speakers do not need to speak English.

We already pay for translations of official documents into various languages for […]

Canada Poll: Islamic Diversity Mistrusted

A recent poll in Canada indicates that the propaganda project to portray Islam as consistent with Western values is not going over very well. Many people recognize the historical nature of the conflict between Islam and everyone else, calling the culture clash “irreconcilable.”

Perhaps the respondents remember the basic background that Islam was “spread by […]

Pew Poll Assesses Muslim Satisfaction among American Infidels

Leave it to the Associated Press to readminister its scab-picking habit of portraying Muslims residing in America as poor little victims who suffer Islamophobia at the hands of cruel Americans. That’s the unsubtle message in the AP’s report on a new Pew poll that begins with the assertion that Muslims here endure harassment from the […]

Rasmussen Poll: Voters Oppose Benefits for Illegal Aliens

President Obama may think he can “rekindle excitement among hispanic voters” (in the characterization of the Washington Post) with his administrative amnesty, but American voters as a whole are not impressed with the trend toward erasure of citizenship.

Somewhat surprising is that a majority of voters object to public school for illegal alien kiddies. Apparently […]

Rasmussen Poll: Voters Prefer Border Enforcement to Amnesty by Two to One

President Obama’s recent administrative amnesty runs contrary to the public will (not to mention the Constitutional limits to Presidential power) as shown by recent polling.

Despite the media’s relentless propaganda about the bogus desirability of illegals, e.g. young aliens in student costumes demanding taxpayer-subsidized college educations, the voting public remains firm in favoring enforcement over […]

Canada: Asylum Seeker Saga Unfolds, with Camp of the Saints Undertones

In October of 2009, the freighter Ocean Lady appeared off the coast of British Columbia carrying a cargo of 76 Tamil men from Sri Lanka who sought asylum in Canada. They were promptly taken by the RCMP to Vancouver for screening.

(Canada is known for accepting a large number of asylum seekers to expand its […]

Obama Stages Comprehensive Amnesty Drama at White House

Obama must be hoping that the 14 million unemployed citizens won’t notice that he wants to amnesty 20+ million workers into the legal economy. That’s not a very friendly thing to do in the jobless economic recovery. One indicator was the large turnout when McDonald’s announced it would interview for 50,000 jobs on April 19.


Rasmussen Poll: Immigration Enforcement Would Decrease Poverty

A growing number of Americans apparently understand that Washington’s open-borders policy imports poverty on a massive scale and directly harms citizens, particularly in a brutal jobs depression.

A substantial majority of Americans believe that the lack of immigration enforcement worsens poverty in the country, according to the Rasmussen pollsters.

61% Say Enforcing Immigration Laws […]

Rasmussen Poll: Nearly Half of Voters Say They Are Closer to Tea Party Than Congress in Political Views

Since the Dems got shellacked in the 2010 election, they have tried to paint Tea Party citizens as “extreme” — as if demanding responsible spending of Washington were somehow excessive.

Sen. Harry Reid predicted that grass-roots financial conservatism would quickly disappear when members became disinterested. Recent reports from the dinosaur media have suggested that the […]

CNN Observes Worsening Muslim Alienation from Mainstream America

According to CNN, disaffection among Muslims residing in America is growing, and that’s a bad thing. But when you read the network’s own description of one instance, it’s clear that the local Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) representative was stirring the pot to foment that alienation. If the Muslim congregation didn’t know about the […]

Obama to Remove National Guard from Border

Doesn’t time fly? It seems like the National Guard troops just arrived on the border, and now they are already planning to leave.

In fact, soldiers began arriving in August 2010 and all 1200 weren’t “finally in place” until October, at which time they were “fully operational”.

Now we hear that the force will be […]