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Israel « Limits to Growth

Muslims Pursue Days of Rioting over Jerusalem Non-Event

The propensity of muslims to riot over the tiniest slight is well known, but the recent blow-up is over the edge: President Trump announced that the US now recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the usual Muslo-punks run amok from Afghanistan to the West Bank, as they predictably hop campfires, throw stones and […]

Israel Considers Public Policy to Confront Automation Job Loss

Throughout the industrialized world, automation is making rapid inroads into the workplace and has displaced millions of humans from jobs in the Great Recession. The process operates similarly everywhere — a business owner finds a machine or software that can perform a task more cheaply than a human, and the worker gets a pink slip […]

Israel Offers African “Refugees” a Deal to Leave

Being a successful modern society, Israel is a magnet for third world fleebags. Africans have been arriving for a while and demanding to be taken in. They now number around 50,000. Seeing the demographic and national security threat, Israel is offering each African $3,500 plus a one-way ticket elsewhere or free housing in a jail […]

Israel Shows Enforcement Works, as 4000 Illegal Africans Leave Voluntarily This Year

Attrition is working in Israel, where authorities have been clear that illegal aliens are not welcome. That can’t be too hard to do when invasive Africans take up residence in public parks (shown below), demand to be treated as refugees just because of their presence and citizens want enforcement because of violent crimes like rape.


Israel: Thousands of Africans Demand to Be Accepted as Refugees

On Sunday, tens of thousands of Africans gathered in what they called a “Freedom Rally” in Tel Aviv, insisting that their rude, unlawful presence should be celebrated and welcomed.

It’s amazing how often huge mobs of people think they can relocate to another country en masse because of their own desires alone.

Fleebag […]