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immigration invasion « Limits to Growth

Freeloaders of the World Notice America’s Borders Are Wide Open

For a while, the invasion of America consisted mostly of people from Central America, who carried their national flags as they marched on their object of conquest.

Now word has gotten out that America is back to being a soft touch, despite all Donald Trump’s tough talk that scared them off at first — […]

Hondurans Appear Enthusiastic about Invading the United States

Friday’s Los Angeles Times featured a front-page story about President Trump’s threat to send troops to prevent the entry of thousands of Central American foreigners headed north.

A memorable aspect of the article was the photo, showing Hondurans flying their flag, speeding along on top of a bus toward their goal of invading America with […]

Technology Helps Enable Today’s Mass Illegal Migration to Europe

I learned something by reading a Wednesday front-page New York Times story, that technology and smartphones fuel the current multitude of illegal immigration from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The internet helps any Mohammed from Senegal to Kabul to make his way across thousands of miles of foreign territory to the welfare offices of […]