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highway safety « Limits to Growth

Self-driving 18-Wheeler Trucks Forecast for Highways in Ten Years

It’s interesting to see that many tech prognosticators see self-driving vehicles to be a reality in a decade (or less). A little Google search experiment got 1.4 million hits for self-driving cars OR trucks decade. The search gets a bunch of junk but also turns up titles like Self-driving cars could be on Britain’s road […]

California: End of Impounds for Unlicensed Drivers Looms over 2012

We little citizens are supposed to celebrate New Year’s Day, but in backwards Mexifornia, that’s the date when the bad new laws go into effect. So the holiday also has a strong batten-down-the-hatches aspect.

One of the worst concoctions from Sacramento this year is the law that prohibits the impounding of cars driven by unlicensed […]