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Gallup poll « Limits to Growth

Ignorance of World Population Growth May Cause Bad Immigration Opinions

Rasmussen published an immigration poll last Thursday that had an interesting detail that may indicate a dangerous ignorance in the public: more than a third of US likely voters thought open borders would be fine as long as terrorists and criminals were kept out.

Do these persons being surveyed have any idea how many million […]

Tucker Carlson Examines Democrat Border Insanity

The Democrat Party is crazy on stilts these days, with every candidate trying to outdo the others on anti-borders extremism. You would think that a substantial number of illegal aliens are voting in important elections.

What’s odd is that even lefty Democrats used to support border enforcement as a way to protect American citizen workers. […]

Latin America Is Melting Down, yet Democrats Say a Wall Is Unnecessary

Lists can be very revealing, and Tucker Carlson compiled a good one on Thursday’s show, indicating a troubling instability among several of America’s national neighbors to the south, specifically Mexico, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Venezuela.

Unfortunately, the explosive population growth of Latin America and elsewhere in the Third World is rarely mentioned as a […]