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convention « Limits to Growth

San Francisco Filth Tied to Dangerous Prop 47

It’s not news that San Francisco has become a liberal hell hole, characterized by murderous illegal aliens and filthy streets filled with drugged-out bums.

The city’s tourism industry has been pleading for a cleanup of the horrific conditions which is a reasonable request considering the traveller business brings in $9 billion annually. And now the […]

Measuring the Full-Tilt Left Radicalism on Display at the DNC

There’s have been lots of post-game analyses of the Democrat Convention, but for a five-minute wrap-up of the disturbing irrationality, the discussion of Fox News commenter Tucker Carlson and Islam-critical author Sebastian Gorka is top notch.

Sadly, it’s not Franklin Roosevelt’s Democrat Party any more, since Barack Hussein Obama increased the takeover by the far […]

Democrat Convention Will Feature Illegal Immigrants

At the GOP Convention, victims of illegal aliens were given a forum to tell their stories of preventable crime, and candidate Trump highlighted those families in his acceptance speech. The point was made that illegal immigration brings suffering and death along with cheap workers.

But Democrats have a different idea about law and borders: for […]

Little Marco Rubio Hopes to Be the Establishment Savior in Convention

Senator Rubio’s “adios” after getting a pathetic 27 percent of primary votes in Florida (his home state) was never going to be the desired permanent farewell to presidential politics, since donors had already invested many millions of dollars in his sorry ass. (See my blog, Amnesty Opportunist Marco Rubio Says “Hasta la Vista, Suckers” — […]