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community « Limits to Growth

Senator Tom Cotton Defines Immigration in the National Interest

My copy of Imprimis, the Hillsdale College publication, arrived in the mail a few days ago, headlined with an article by Senator Tom Cotton titled “Immigration in the National Interest.”

Senator Cotton has recently been positioning himself as a major leader in the Senate for sensible policies of immigration control and reduction, particularly with his […]

Dutch Study: Anti-Racism Instruction in Schools Increases Discrimination

So how is all that diversity hectoring in schools working out?

Not very well. In fact, it is having the reverse effect of what is said to be intended, according to recent research. Emphasizing human tribal differences apparently makes kids dwell on those characteristics to a degree that becomes negative for normal social interaction. Human […]

Grand Rapids Is Not in Decline (the Musical)

I’ve never been a big fan of the song American Pie (with its nonsensical lyrics), but it provides the soundtrack for an exuberant celebration of Grand Rapids by 3000 loyal residents, after the city was dissed by Newsweek magazine.

Guitars abound! Plus American flags, gymnasts, firemen, kayaks and a marching band.

The Daily Mail […]