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Search Results SunTV « Limits to Growth

Canadian TV Observes America’s Immigration Disaster

SunTV’s John Robson starts up a segment with disgust at the fawning dhimmitude of American authorities for worrying about the Islamically correct treatment of murdering jihadist Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s body — something average Bostonians did not appreciate..

Then Robson focused on America’s political derangement over immigration in a conversation with author Peter Brimelow.

Muslims Are Increasingly Persecuting Christians in Islamic Lands

North Africa and the Middle East were largely Christian regions until the Muslim hordes swept through and converted by the sword. As a grade-school kid, I never understood how that could work because the confluence of religious conversion and war didn’t seem to fit. Now we can see how the process functions first hand — constant intimidation with the message Join or Die is a very effect method of low-intensity warfare, perfected over centuries of practice by supremacist Muslims.

Below, Muslims harassed church-goers in front of London’s Westminster Cathedral.

One practice is to kidnap Christian girls and marry them by force to Muslim men, which happens rather frequently in Egypt. In Pakistan a couple months back, hundreds of Muslims thought it would be pleasurable to burn down a Christian neighborhood, which they did.

Muslims warring against Christians and everyone else is a fact of history that has been going on for 1400 years. It seems highly unwise to invite such people into our midst via immigration. One wonders how many additional hostile Muslims would be admitted under the Senate’s crazy diverse overpopulation immigration scheme.

Scholar Raymond Ibrahim is a Coptic Christian whose parents left Egypt because of Muslim harassment. He recently published a book about the persecution of Christians in Islamic societies, Crucified Again.

He recently appeared on Canada’s SunTV with Brian Lilley to discuss the book:

Here is a recent article by Ibrahim.

The Mass Exodus of Christians from the Muslim World, RaymondIbrahim.com, May 8, 2013

A mass exodus of Christians is currently underway. Millions of Christians are being displaced from one end of the Islamic world to the other.

We are reliving the true history of how the Islamic world—much of which prior to the Islamic conquests was almost entirely Christian—came into being.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom recently said: “The flight of Christians out of the region is unprecedented and it’s increasing year by year.” In our lifetime alone “Christians might disappear altogether from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Egypt.”

Ongoing reports from the Islamic world certainly support this conclusion. Iraq was the earliest indicator of the fate awaiting Christians once Islamic forces are liberated from the grip of dictators.

In 2003, Iraq’s Christian population was at least one million. Today fewer than 400,000 remain—the result of an anti-Christian campaign that began with the U.S. occupation of Iraq, when countless Christian churches were bombed and countless Christians killed, including by crucifixion and beheading.

The 2010 Baghdad church attack, which saw nearly 60 Christian worshippers slaughtered, is the tip of a decade-long iceberg.

Now as the U.S. supports the jihad on secular president Assad, the same pattern has come to Syria: entire regions and towns where Christians lived centuries before Islam came into being have now been emptied, as the opposition targets Christians for kidnapping, plundering, and beheadings, all in compliance with mosque calls that it’s a “sacred duty” to drive Christians away. Continue reading this article

Muslim Bomber Brothers’ Welfare Use Is Explained

In this week’s edition of Jihad Watch, a segment on SunTV’s Arena show, Robert Spencer explained how the Boston bomber brothers, two strapping young men from Kyrgyzstan, were happy to scoop up welfare benefits from willing provider Massachusetts.

In short, Islam is a supremacist religion which preaches that its followers deserve everything they can mooch from inferior infidels. There’s even a special Islam vocabulary word: jizya which historically referred to the tax non-Muslims were forced to pay to Muslim rulers in dar al-Islam. The money is part of a whole system of second-class citizenship to keep infidels subservient and in their place, like Coptic Christians in Egypt today.

Radical Muslim pest Anjem Choudary was recently recorded exhorting his co-religionists to soak British taxpayer for a “jihad-seekers allowance.” Work is for suckers, he said, and Muslims should use the welfare cash to promote the destruction of western civilization and setting up a global caliphate.

Another modern twist is the Muslim Brotherhood leaders of Egypt regarding America’s stupid-generous foreign aid as jizya, seen as tribute from lowly infidels and not requiring any cooperation in response.

Obama Administration Returns Saudis to Easy-Entry Program

The current administration is on a jihad against public safety. A couple recent examples: cutbacks of the Border Patrol and the release of thousands of foreign criminals from prison to American streets — both using the sequester as an excuse.

Another dangerous policy change is the renewal of rubber-stamp visas for Saudi nationals to enter the United States. Keep in mind that 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudis.

Before the terrorist attacks, Saudis had access to a program called Visa Express, that only required a visit to a travel agent in the Kingdom. That policy was discontinued a few months after the 2001 terror attacks.

But now an updated version is back, only with a reassuring new name — the Global Entry trusted traveler program. Judicial Watch notes “just three years ago the U.S. government actually placed Saudi Arabia on a list of 14 countries whose travelers would face enhanced security.” How quickly things can change in Washington when powerful people exert their influence.

Robert Spencer and Michael Coren discussed the policy change last week on SunTV:

The latest news is that some House Republicans are asking questions about the bonehead program that endangers America’s national security.

House Republicans ask why Saudi Arabia was added to trusted traveler program, Daily Caller, March 29, 2013

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul and the panel’s subcommittee chairmen are calling on Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to explain why DHS has extended a trusted traveler program to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In a letter to Napolitano released Thursday, the seven GOP lawmakers voiced their concerns about “potential risks” associated with opening the Global Entry trusted traveler program — which “allows expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers upon arrival in the United States” — to Saudi Arabia

“Of the 19 individuals who hijacked American planes on September 11, 2001 — 15 were from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” the committee members wrote in the letter dated March 27 but released the following day. “More recently, following the plot to blow up an international flight over Detroit on Christmas Day 2009, the Department saw fit to increase the scrutiny of passengers from countries like Saudi Arabia. This must be a factor in determining who to admit into the Global Entry Program.”

Napolitano and Saudi Arabian Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef announced the agreement to expand the trusted traveler program to Saudi Arabia and begin plans for a similar program for American travelers to Saudi Arabia in January. Continue reading this article

Poll: Canadians Say Limit Immigration

The mass importation of foreigners is not a popular policy among average folks the world over. Human nature dictates that people prefer to associate with others who share their values, culture and language. Too much diversity is unwelcome, which is why the liberal press extols it daily.

Immigration’s true fans are liberals beguiled with multi-culti ideology and business types looking for cheap workers and eager consumers.

Canadians apparently think they have enough imported diversity, according to a recent Forum poll. Seventy percent of those surveyed said that immigration should be limited. That number is not so different from the 2007 Pew poll (World Publics Welcome Global Trade — But Not Immigration) that found 62 percent of Canadians agreed with the statement, “We should further restrict and control immigration.”

How normal of Canadians. Everyone likes their own tribe the best. It’s a hard-wired thing.

Plus, Canada has seen some of the worst diversity immigrants have to offer, like the triple honor killings a couple years ago in an Afghan family. At least the Muslim plot to blow up the Parliament and behead the Prime Minister was busted before execution. However, 12 percent of Muslim Canadians thought the jihadist attack would have been justified.

On Monday, SunTV’s Brian Lilley discussed the poll and Canadian values on his show.

For more details on the poll, check out Most Canadians in favour of limits on immigration: poll, National Post, March 10, 2013.

Jihadwatch on TV Notes Secretary of State John Kerry’s Islam-Friendly Moment

This week’s JihadWatch chat with Michael Coren and Robert Spencer on Canada’s SunTV discussed how Secretary of State John Kerry shared that he is currently reading “No God but God.” The book is a whitewash written by Reza Aslan, a media-savvy spokesman for the idea that moderate Islam exists. Kerry commented in Berlin, “I know that Islam is not represented by a lot of jihadists and others. I know it’s a beautiful religion.”

Another topic was the report from the Middle East: Nearly half Saudi women are beaten at home.

Why should that level of abuse be a surprise? Only half? The Koran recommends that men should batter their wives if they are disobedient. Mohammed (the perfect man, according to Islam) himself beat his favorite wife Aisha. Spousal abuse occurs throughout cultures, but only Islam provides divine approval.

Other subjects included Palestinian anti-Semitism and the cluelessness of Western governments about what’s happening in Syria.

SunTV’s JihadWatch This Week Observes Free Speech Protection in Dearborn and Relativism Elsewhere

It was interesting to hear Michael Coren’s recollections of his home town of Ilford near London and how it had changed from an immigrant town of Europeans to being the home of infamous Muslim pest Anjem Choudary. The latest news from the well known loudmouth was his urging to fellow unfriendly Muslims that they quit their jobs and go on welfare: make the sucker British taxpayer finance Islam’s ordinary treason.

Choudary also bragged on how the Muslim population was growing — due to disastrous immigration, of course.

Coren remarked that his late father would not recognize Ilford now. That’s true of many communities in Britain now.

When joined by Robert Spencer for the JihadWatch segment, they discussed the recent conviction of several Birmingham jihadists who were plotting to bomb and murder as many British people as possible, hoping to rival 9/11.

Their discussion of the week’s hostile Islam news also included some advances in free speech protection in Islamified Dearborn and the deteriorating situation of Egypt’s Coptic Christians.

Muslims Threaten Free Speech from Paris to Perth

Free speech is increasingly under attack in the West, due to Muslim immigration, but there has been little media attention given to alarms like the attempted assassination of Danish journalist Lars Hedegaard (pictured) in Copenhagen earlier this month.

A Muslim came to his front door pretending to deliver a package, but instead drew a gun and fired at Hedegaard for his outspoken views in warning against hostile Islam. In January, he began publishing Dispatch International to report the unpleasant news about Muslims in Europe which made him a bigger target for jihadists.

One might think the press would be concerned about censorship, but in general it has been paralyzed in fear, for safety concerns and dread of racism accusations, even though Islam is clearly not a race. During the Danish cartoon controversy of 2006, only a couple American publications actually printed the drawings of Mohammed.

Regarding the Hedegaard assassination attempt, only Canada’s SunTV has paid attention on this side of the Atlantic. You don’t see this sort of coverage on Fox News.

Hedegaard was lucky to escape with his life. But the assault shows what critics of Islam now face. The violence was not an anomaly: artist Kurt Westergaard was also attacked in his home by an axe-wielding Somali for upsetting sensitive Muslims. Lars Vilks has received numerous death threats for his drawings showing Mohammed as a dog.

In Paris, the humor magazine Charlie Hebdo was firebombed in 2011 for a slightly rude issue about Mohammed, yet the publication continues to produce edgy material, notably a cartoon biography of Islam’s prophet.

Here in the United States, cartoonist Mollie Norris of the Seattle Weekly was forced to go into hiding after suggesting the Everybody Draw Mohammed Day in support of free speech.

Another Cassandra is Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who is currently doing a speaking tour through Australia. The speech scheduled for Perth was canceled because the venue pulled out at the last minute: such is the effectiveness of intimidation and threats of violence.

Below is an Aussie press interview in which Wilders expressed his objections to Islam despite rather belligerent questioning. He warned Australians to learn from Europe’s mistake of allowing Muslim immigration.

One bit of good news: Wilders’ speech in Melbourne went ahead on February 19, despite scuffles outside from unfriendlies. Read the text here.

Is CIA Director Nominee John Brennan a Muslim?

This week’s JihadWatch chat on Canada’s SunTV was mostly taken up discussing the torture-murder of 15-year-old Kriss Donald by a Muslim gang in Scotland in 2004. The case came up because one of the killers was severely beaten up in prison.

A more important subject regarding American national security politics is Robert Spencer’s comment about whether John Brennan, the nominee for Director of CIA, might be a Muslim convert.

That allegation may sound far-fetched, but Brennan speaks Arabic, was CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia and has made remarks that only a Muslim would say, like stating that “Jihad is a holy struggle.”

Remarks by Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John Brennan at CSIS, WhiteHouse.gov, May 26, 2010

“The President’s strategy is absolutely clear about the threat we face.  Our enemy is not “terrorism” because terrorism is but a tactic.  Our enemy is not “terror” because terror is a state of mind and as Americans we refuse to live in fear.  Nor do we describe our enemy as “jihadists” or “Islamists” because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenant of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one’s community, and there is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women and children.”

That’s a pretty ripe rationalization of Islam’s strategy in its 1400-year war on Western civilization.

More recently, John Guandolo, an FBI agent with knowledge of the jihadist threat, said that Brennan had been converted to Islam while working in Saudi Arabia.

Of course, the Senate hearing for Brennan’s confirmation as Director of the CIA had no questions about his curiously Islam-friendly remarks or association with dicey groups, like the Islamic Society of North America which represents the Muslim Brotherhood.

Another speech made by Brennan is of concern:

Here are a few troubling sentences from that talk (although much was in Arabic and was not translated):

“For more than three decades, I have also had the tremendous fortune to travel the world, and as part of that experience, to learn about the goodness and beauty of Islam. . . . In Saudi Arabia, I saw how our Saudi partners fulfilled their duties as custodians of the two holy Mosques of Mecca and Medina. I marveled at the majesty of the Hajj, and the devotion of those who fulfill their duty as Muslims by making that pilgrimage. And in all my travels, the city I have come to love most is Al Quds — Jerusalem — where three great faiths come together.”

The part of Michael Coren’s interview with Robert Spencer about Brennan starts at 6:24 in the video below, where Spencer observes, “Certainly John Brennan has been an incredible enabler of Muslim Brotherhood influence at the highest levels of government, and so Mr. Guandolo’s allegations don’t surprise me in the least.”

American Immigration Politics Prognosticated on Canadian TV

Canada’s SunTV host Michael Coren welcomed author Peter Brimelow for opinions on how Obama will peddle illegal immigration amnesty in the President’s second term.

When Coren asked what candidate could attract the white working class voters who are curiously unsupportive of Republicans, Brimelow answered, “Actually almost anyone could do it” and then cited British politician Enoch Powell as an example. Powell was a well-spoken classics scholar who was nevertheless popular among the English working class because he stood up for them by warning against immigration.

JihadWatch on TV Headlines Obama’s Welcome to Saudis

It’s hard to keep up with the worldwide problems that Islam causes, so it’s helpful that Robert Spencer appears on Canada’s SunTV weekly to list a few of the top (worst) stories.

Most notable, from an American viewpoint, is the administration’s decision to remove 9/11 constraints on Saudi entry to this country.

Nothing has changed in Saudi Arabia in the last decade to indicate that anything is different there since the time it spawned 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers. Yet our Islam-friendly President doesn’t mind the obvious national security dangers posed by Saudi presence, already demonstrated by the bomb maker Khalid Aldawsari (pictured). He arrived on a student visa to study chemical engineering at Texas Tech, but turned his attention to killing Americans, including President Bush who incidentally started the Saudi student program with his pal King Abdullah. Aldasari was sentenced in November to life in prison.

However, this past year has seen over 22,000 Saudi students attending American universities, so perhaps the new expanded welcome mat was foreseeable.

Obama Administration Ends Post-9/11 Restrictions on Saudis Entering U.S., AINA, January 9, 2013

ABU DHABI — The United States, a decade after Al Qaida strikes in New York and Washington, has opened its doors to Saudi nationals.

Diplomats said the administration of President Barack Obama has removed most restrictions on the entry of Saudis to the United States. They said the percentage of visa approvals for Saudis has reached unprecedented levels.

“The United States aims to raise the number of visas that it issues annually, particularly to Saudi nationals, who represent an important group,” Joseph Hood, U.S. consul-general in the Saudi city of Dhahran, said.

Hood cited economic reasons for the easing of restrictions on Saudis. He said Saudi businessmen and students have been allowed to enter the United States in record numbers, with a 60 percent increase since 2010. [. . .]

Michael Coren Interviews Islamic Terror Expert Walid Shoebat

Walid Shoebat is an interesting fellow, a man who was a PLO terrorist before he renounced the violence and became a Christian.

In the interview with SunTV’s Michael Coren, Shoebat explained that Islam is a totalitarian system that guides every aspect of life, not so much a religion, and the western left likes the wholistic control aspect,

He also noted how extreme Obama’s Muslim relatives are, that they are not merely Islam believers, but are Wahhabists.

(Remember that during the 2008 campaign, the media insisted that Obama’s Kenyan granny, shown below, was a Christian, even though she was a Muslim who attended the Hajj as the guest of the Saudi King.)