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Muslims against everyone « Limits to Growth

Jihadist Prison Ministries Endanger America

The Somali critic of Islam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali (pictured), has lately been doing media appearances for her new book, “Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now.”

Her recent WSJ piece highlights the danger of Islam being propagated in US prisons, a problem which is too little known. Of course, the biggest Islam danger comes via […]

Can Minnesota Assimilate Somali Teen Jihadist?

On Sunday’s Fox morning show, Tucker Carlson questioned the idea of rehabilitating a Minnesota-residing Somali teen who had been nabbed at the airport headed for ISIS-stan. Apparently the local diversity dreamers think Abdullahi Mohamud Yusuf can be retrained from wanna-be headchopper to basketball coach for young people. What could possibly go wrong?

Retired FBI Agent […]

Kidnapped Nigerian Girls Escape Boko Haram and Tell Their Story

Allah’s thugs in the Boko Haram gang have been marauding through Nigeria, mass-murdering and kidnapping school girls along the way to be forced to convert to Muslims and become sex slaves of jihadists, a common practice of Islam. In fact, the Boko violence has caused Nigeria to postpone its upcoming presidential election which was scheduled […]

Despite Elite Declarations of Extreme Multiculturalism, Islam Continues War on Christians (and Everyone Else)

In Paris last week a dozen persons were massacred for publishing a magazine insulting Mohammed by men shouting Allah Ackbar. One of the shooters told a French TV station that they had been sent by al Qaeda.

Nevertheless, liberal elites like UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon and French President Hollande declared by barbaric attacks had […]

Indonesia Devolves into Sharia since the 2004 Tsunami

It’s been 10 years since the terrible tsunami killed nearly a quarter of a million people around south Asian coastal areas in Thailand, India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. In the years following, western nations and organizations contributed considerable money and workers to rebuild the place.

One might think that experiencing some of the best that […]

Denmark: Arab Christians Are Threatened by Muslim Immigrants

When Christians flee majority-Muslim countries (like Lebanon — 60%), they don’t always escape hostile Muslims. Middle Eastern Christians in Denmark now report being forced to move away from Muslim neighborhoods because of the danger.

It’s unfortunate the Danes allowed Islamic immigration in the first place. They must have thought they were getting some swell diversity, […]

Oklahoma: Muslim Convert Beheads Coworker

The big Muslim news on Friday was the beheading murder in Oklahoma of a worker in a food processing plant by a recent Muslim convert, Alton Nolen. He attacked a second woman with a knife, but was fortunately stopped by man with a gun, Mark Vaughan, a reserve sheriff’s deputy and the company’s chief operating […]

Islam: Why the Crazy Headchop Fixation?

Inquiring western minds want to know why Allah’s thugs are stuck on removing the heads of infidels and anyone else they find disagreeable. The recent execution of American “journalist” James Foley by ISIS has been received by the US media with shock and horror, even though the jihadists have been on a terror march through […]

Islam: Headchopping for Beginners

Is there anyone on earth that enjoys sadistic murder more than jihadists? But just in case Allah’s gangsters are somewhat recalcitrant to behead infidels or are new to the slicing game, there are Islamic clerics who will guide them in the proper technique in order for headchoppers to experience maximum Muslim enjoyment.

As the Wahhabi […]

Newt Gingrich Warns about Brutal ISIS Islam

In the past, former Speaker Newt Gingrich has been a hispandering hustler when shopping for diverse votes, but these days he does speak plainly about the threat of hostile Islam in its current incarnation. For that he is to be congratulated.

Jihadists are pumped up about recent events, which are going their way because nobody, […]

World Refugee Day: Jihad on the March

On World Refugee Day (June 20), the ever helpful mainstream press presents the refugees as the issue du jour — important for public awareness according to liberal values, but not important enough for explaining the causes. The New York Times headlined Refugees at Levels Not Seen Since World War II but did not place the […]

Pakistani Immigrant Murders His Wife according to the Koran

For today’s cultural sensitivity parable, consider the Pakistani immigrant who murdered his wife for preparing lentils for dinner, rather than goat. The case may sound incredible, but the dollars required of New York taxpayers to prosecute and incarcerate the man are quite real.

Being a traditional Muslim male, Noor Hussein (pictured) felt it was his […]