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2013 July « Limits to Growth

BBC Visits an Arizona Border Rancher

Here’s a BBC report on Arizona border rancher John Ladd, who is disgusted with the whole bunch — the illegal aliens, the Border Patrol, the Democrats who want cheap votes and the Republicans who want cheap labor. His family has been on the ranch for over a century and he has heard all sorts of […]

France Considers Designating Major City Marseille a No-Go Zone

In March 2012, the National Geographic magazine published a glowing story titled “Marseille Melting Pot” about the French port city which asked, “As more European countries become nations of immigrants, is the multicultural city of Marseille a vision of the future?” with pretty pictures of diversity like the one below.

But just a few […]

GAO Reports One Million Visa Overstayers Have Been Lost by DHS

Obama and his amnesty pals in government say “Trust us” to do immigration enforcement with an extra 10-20 million humans plopped into the system. But a recent report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) shows that the feeble efforts of the Department of Homeland Security to track entry-exit behavior have been a failure.

The full […]

Boehner Plan: Tiptoe through August and Avoid Amnesty Discussion

If the House Republican leadership knew what was good for the party, they would follow Senator Jeff Sessions’ advice to use immigration enforcement as a way appeal to working voters.

But Speaker Boehner and his leadership cronies stupidly think they can sneak through an amnesty and pro-sovereignty citizens won’t notice. One part of that strategy […]

Washington DC Paint Vandal Is Arrested: Mandarin Translator Required

Now that the Washington, DC, paint vandal has been caught, the media has seemingly lost interest in the shocking story of damage done to the Lincoln Memorial and other beloved national treasures. Perhaps the accused perp’s diverse identity has something to do with the sudden quiet. Were the scribblers hoping against all reason that the […]

Danish Psychiatrist Explains How Islam Fosters Violent Crime — Their Religion Commands It!

Every time I hear this accurate line of reasoning that the Muslim holy texts tell followers to smite the infidels whenever possible, my brain automatically starts running the ditty “It’s in the Koran” which has a very catchy tune.

The lyrics are a little hard to understand, but you can read them online of […]

Senator Sessions Urges Republicans to Seize Immigration Limits as a Winning Issue

Jeff Sessions, a leader against the Senate’s destructive amnesty bill in recent months, has sent a memo to fellow Republicans, urging them to reject amnesty. Many in the party have bad ideas in their heads about how a vote for amnesty will put them in the good graces of the overestimated hispanic voter. But it […]

Welfare Food Fraud Update

A week ago, the New York Post reported that local immigrants were packing up chow purchased with food stamps and shipping off the free-to-them food to their homelands.

Further investigation by the paper has now found that selling those giant containers of food is a thriving business for diverse immigrants. The photo shows a man […]

Illegal Alien Crime Is Discussed on Fox — Sort Of

Fox News’ adversarial approach in issue presentation leaves a great deal to be desired: “Fair and balanced” sets up opposing voices to show both sides of an issue. However, that strategy often produces more clamor than facts.

One recent example was Laura Ingraham’s presentation on the O’Reilly Factor about the media’s cover-up of illegal alien […]

Huma & Anthony: Diverse Political Odd Couple Strains Boundaries of Sensibility and Security

It’s easy to forget what a complete lying weasel Rep. Anthony Weiner was back when his original digital flashing scandal erupted. Fortunately, the ever helpful Youtube can refresh our memories, in particular the following clip from the Hating Breitbart film which reviews Weiner’s behavior and the media making excuses for him.

Even without the […]

House Republicans Looking Weaker on Amnesty Conference

House Republicans continue to show signs of caving to the well funded elites demanding amnesty and massively increased legal immigration.

Rep. Goodlatte Open to Salvaging Senate Immigration Bill via Conference, Breitbart.com, July 25, 2013

An aide to House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) confirmed for Breitbart News he is open to attempting […]

Arizona: Iraqi Refugee Bomber Aldosary Charged with Murder

From Arizona comes this curious twist on a refugee terrorist story: Abdullatif Ali Aldosary (pictured), the Iraqi who tried to blow up the Casa Grande Social Security office last fall, has also been charged with the murder of a co-worker which occurred a few days before the bombing.

I blogged on the case when it […]