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unskilled workers « Limits to Growth

Truck Unloader Robots Attempt to Speed Package Delivery

Here’s a new robot the tech-whizzes have built that will further automate the Amazon-fueled mail-order economy — and eliminate jobs for humans. Apparently Fed-Ex and UPS are cranking up their services to keep up with the delivery business, and they think a truck unloader will be just the ticket to speed the process along.

The […]

Robo-Burger Restaurant Opens in San Francisco

Hamburger automator Alexandros Vardakostas has opened his long anticipated restaurant and now presents himself as the cheerful, welcoming entrepreneur in the video below:

But in 2012, he was quoted in Xconomy saying, “Our device isn’t meant to make employees more efficient; it’s meant to completely obviate them.”

Vardakostas was just saying what many business […]