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slavery « Limits to Growth

Tijuana Authorities Report Migrants Attempting to Purchase Children as Border Tickets

We’ve been told for years that hispanic aliens and foreigners in general have family values that are superior to our own. So it’s curious how children are now coin of the realm in illegal alien border crossings.

The San Diego Union-Tribune noted that fact on its Friday front page, shown below:

Not every foreign […]

Rasmussen Poll: Voters Don’t Want Statues of Founders Removed

The weenie politicians who hide under their desks whenever antifa thugs and other lefties start tearing down pieces of American history need to look at this recent survey. You almost never see an 88 percent favorability on an issue, even mom and apple pie, but that’s the number favoring continued respect for founders Washington and […]

Socialist Bernie Says America Must Apologize for Slavery

The socialist campaigning for President, Bernie Sanders, recently squirmed in liberal guilt over the issue of slavery in America. “As a nation, we have got to apologize for slavery” he said in a radio interview.

Slavery was an evil institution, no doubt about it. But it was not confined to America, as Bernie implied.

Sanders: […]

The Lincoln Assassination Is Remembered

Today, April 14, 2015, is the 150-year anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination just five days after Lee’s surrender ending the Civil War. The murder changed American forever and is a reminder that we get to where we are from where we’ve been. Left-wingers believe people are blank slates that can be molded into compliant cogs […]