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Sierra Club « Limits to Growth

Border Trash Remains a Terrible Problem, Yet Gets Little Attention

It’s unfortunate that the intense political divisions today place issues strictly in one camp — liberal or conservative — when the real world breakout may be more complex. One prime example is illegal immigration enforcement, which the left declares to be the province of the cruel right that supposed wants to prevent non-white foreigners from […]

Tucker Carlson Asks: Why Don’t Liberals Care about Immigration-Fueled Overpopulation and the Environment Any More?

It once was the case that at least some liberals supported immigration limits because of the harmful effects of excess population on the environment as a primary reason. But many have forgotten because politics have become more important than preserving the nation’s natural resources that support life.

For example, California’s severe five-year drought from 2011 […]

Congressman Tony Beilenson Dies at 84

It was sad news to hear that California Congressman Tony Beilenson died on Sunday. As a Democrat who thought excessive immigration was harmful to the environment, he was an independent thinker during his 20-year service in the House. He believed in preserving open space and is fondly remembered in overpopulated southern California for helping to […]

California: Jerry Brown Signs Extremist Climate Change Bill

On Thursday, Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law that will force reductions of carbon emissions in the name of global warming prevention. The legislation requires a massive 40 percent cut of CO2 emissions from 1990 levels by 2030.

Few reports mention that in 1990 the state population was around 30 million, while today […]